AXLE Overview
The AXLE curriculum consists of 13 courses or 40 hours over six categories, including the Writing Requirement:
- Humanities and Creative Arts (3 courses)
- History and Culture of the United States (1 course)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (2 courses)
- International Cultures (3 courses, including proficiency in a foreign language)
- Perspectives (1 course)
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences (3 courses, including a lab science)
Seven disciplines must be represented to satisfy the breadth requirement.
See pages 3 and 24 of the On the Road with AXLE booklet for an outline of the various categories or use one of the following work sheets:
AXLE must be satisfied with Vanderbilt courses.
- AP/IB credit, summer work elsewhere, and most study abroad courses cannot satisfy AXLE.
- Pre-freshman credit can satisfy AXLE.
- Students who transfer to Vanderbilt from other colleges may use transfer credit to satisfy AXLE.
- Most A&S courses count toward AXLE. There are some notable exceptions: English 1100, Financial Accounting 1600, Math 1010 and 1005, first-semester foreign language courses, Sociology 2100, Directed and Independent Studies, and Special Topics courses.
- The only non-A&S courses that count toward AXLE are some MUSL courses.
Students do not have to fulfill AXLE by the end of their sophomore year, though there are some timed requirements:
- If required, English 1100 must be taken by the end of the first year.
- The First-Year Writing Seminar (1111) must be taken by the end of the first year.
- A 1000-level W course must be taken by the end of the sophomore year.
Students and advisers can monitor their AXLE progress--and major/minor progress--in their Degree Audit on YES!