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In Memoriam: John W. Janusek, Associate Professor, 1963-2019

John W. Janusek 1963-2019 (Photo A. Rodrick)

A brilliant archaeologist, professor, colleague, and friend whose life enriched the academic world and the life of each of us and our communities immeasurably

John Janusek, Associate Professor of Anthropology, died unexpectedly on October 22, 2019. We grieve the loss of this brilliant archaeologist, professor, colleague, and friend whose life enriched the academic world and the life of each of us and our communities immeasurably.

Professor Janusek was a broad, deep, holistic, and creative scholar of the pre-Hispanic Andes, urbanism, political ecology, iconography, ritual, materiality, and the history of beer and brewing. His large-scale, long-term research projects at the sites of Khonkho Wankane and Iruhito in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin of Bolivia have profoundly influenced a generation of Andeanist archaeologists. Among his many ongoing research initiatives is a trans-disciplinary project in collaboration with Andy Roddick (McMaster University), Carlos Lémuz (Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz), and Victor Plaza (Sociedad de Arqueología de La Paz) in the eastern Lake Titicaca basin and Andean valleys. He was also engaged in a multiyear, interregional study of monoliths and stone sourcing at Tiwanaku and in the Middle Horizon, with Ryan Williams (Field Museum) and Anna Guengerich.

Professor Janusek was a prolific scholar who published four books: Identity and Power in the Ancient Andes (Routledge, 2004) Ancient Tiwanaku (Cambridge, 2008), Khonkho Wankane: Archaeological Investigations in Jesus de Machaca, Bolivia (University of California, Berkeley, 2018), and, as co-editor with Steve Kosiba and Tom Cummins, the forthcoming Sacred Matter: Animacy and Authority in the Americas (Dumbarton Oaks Press, 2019). Globally, he was renowned as an innovative and insightful theoretician, especially in the areas of urbanism, space and place, and landscape approaches in anthropological archaeology. His writings include many influential articles on ancient Andean history, social relations, landscapes, religion, and material culture.
John Janusek 2007 preste Khonkho Liquiliqui by Jennifer OhnstadHe was deeply committed to the people of the host communities where he did his research and became connected with them through ties of compadrazgo and other forms of ritual kinship. A devoted participant in Andean community life and celebrations, in 2007, he served as the preste sponsor of the Entrada Folklorica a Devoción al Apóstol Santiago (festival of Saint James procession) in the community of Qhunqhu Liquiliqui. 

JJ 2007 wearing traditional  costume JJ Leading Procesocion 2007 

Professor Janusek was a perennial favorite instructor among Vanderbilt students. His spirit, passion, and love for archaeology and South American studies live on in his students and in the colleagues who had the privilege of working with him in the classroom, field, and laboratory. He was a true intellectual, driven by his roving curiosity, deep scholarly engagement, and commitment to the highest ideals of humanistic and scientific inquiry.

Raised in a musical family in the Chicago area–his father was a high school band instructor–Professor Janusek was an inordinately talented musician who could play everything from brass instruments to guitar and bass. At any given time he was an active player in at least one band during his years in Nashville. One of his entrées into archaeology was through beer can collecting, a hobby that began early in life when he found old cans in vacant lots near his home. Can collecting became a lifelong passion, and he is a nationally-renowned expert on the history of beer and beer cans in the collectors community.
We extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Professor Janusek’s wife, Anna Guengerich, Research Assistant Professor of Anthropology, and to his mother and other family members. Further announcements of memorial gatherings and other initiatives in his honor will be forthcoming. 

John's videos 

John in the news Using GPR to locate underground tunnels and beer cellars

Nashville Brewing Conference: The History, Business & Science of Brewing

John about Eclipses and prehispanic times

John in writing

Sacred Ecology: Landscape Transformations for Ritual Practice An Interview with John W. Janusek, Tracy G. Miller, and Betsey A. Robinson, Co-directors

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 Telling Stories / Stories that Tell 

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Living Stone Beings from Tiwanaku, Bolivia, in Europe

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