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Brewing and Studying Coffee

Ted Fisher - Coffee (Photo College of A&S)The College of Arts and Science shared on its Facebook page a note about Professor Ted Fisher Monday's routine: 

"Every Monday, Professor of Anthropology Ted Fischer brews coffee with his students to open his honors seminar. The undergraduate course touches on economics, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, and more - all through the lens of one of the world's most popular beverages.  # InternationalCoffeeDay "  (original post)

Additionally, Ted Fisher is the director of the Institute for Coffee Studies from the Center for Latin American Studi es. The Mission, as described in their webpage, "is dedicated to research on the human dimensions of coffee production, trade, and consumption. The ICS promotes applied scholarship that can better people’s lives, from potential bio-medical therapeutic uses to economic development programs. Our work ranges across a number of fields, from medicine and pharmacology to history and economic development to art and literature. We work with academics, students, farmers, and industry collaborators."


 You can check Ted's talk about coffee and values: