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Dean's Faculty Fellows

Dean’s Faculty Fellows represent some of the most promising junior faculty in the College of Arts and Science. Through a highly competitive nomination process, fellows are selected for their scholarly accomplishments and the future potential to make an impact in their respective fields. Dean's Faculty Fellows hold the title for two years and receive support for their research, scholarship, and creative expression as they seek tenure.

headshot of Panka Bencsik

Panka Bencsik

C. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Medicine, Health & Society
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Health & Society
Health economics, crime economics, public economics, opioid crisis, mental health, gun violence, criminal justice system

headshot of Sophie Bjork-James

Sophie Bjork-James

McEntire Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Race and racism, evangelicalism, reproductive politics, white nationalism, hate crimes

headshot of Ari Caramanica

Ari Caramanica

Frank Kelly Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Climate Studies
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Archaeology, climate, irrigation in farming systems

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Matthew Congdon

Greg S. Allen Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Philosophy
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Ethics, social philosophy, aesthetics

headshot of Lydia Conklin

Lydia Conklin

S. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Race, Racial Justice, and Social Justice
Assistant Professor of English
Fiction, graphic fiction, graphic memoir

John Dearborn

John Dearborn

Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Political Science
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Presidency, Congress, American political development, American political thought, archival methods

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Samuel Dolbee

D. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Studies of the Middle East
Assistant Professor of History
Environmental history, modern Middle East, Ottoman Empire, colonialism, history of animals, history of disease

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Rachel Donnelly

Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Sociology
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Health and mortality, demography, race, gender, and sexual orientation

man standing in front of tree

Alexandre Frenette

Cornelius Vanderbilt Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Sociology
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Arts and culture, work and occupations, social inequality

headshot of Julia Gamble

Julie Gamble

Haufrect Family Goldman Sachs Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Gender & Sexuality Studies
Urban mobility, gender mobility, Latinx urban environments, sustainable urban development

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Rebeca Gamez Djovic

H. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Racial Justice 
Assistant Professor in Anthropology
Relational and comparative race and ethnicity, migration, education inequality

headshot of Didi Jackson

Didi Jackson

Cornelius Vanderbilt Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of English
Author and poet

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Antonia Kaczkurkin

S. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Mental Health
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to the etiology of internalizing disorders

Bohyeong Kim

Bohyeong Kim  

Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Communication Studies
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Critical media and cultural studies with a particular emphasis on Korea and East Asia

headshot of Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli

Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli

Ruff Fant Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Physics
Perturbative and non-perturbative quantum chromo dynamics, quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions, theoretical space-time structure of fundamental matter, machine learning to aid discovery physics in high energy

headshot of Christopher Li

Christopher Li

C. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Economics
Assistant Professor of Economics
Political economy, behavioral economics, political polarization, policy experimentation

Bianca Manago

Bianca Manago

Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Sociology
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Inequalities in health, race, gender, and sexuality

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Adeana McNicholl

Mellon Foundation Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Religious Studies
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
Buddhism, the relationship between religion and the body and embodied identities

headshot of Lin Meng

Lin Meng

Steven and Bunny Fayne Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Global change ecology, urban ecology, phenology, remote sensing

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Sarah Quincy

Britton-Perry Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Economic History
Assistant Professor of Economics
Macroeconomics, economic history, finance

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Mark Sanchez

Britton Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in History
Assistant Professor of Asian Studies
Asian American studies, the Philippines, human rights, social movements, labor and migration, gambling

Simone Stirner

Simone Stirner

Max Kade Foundation Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Contemporary German Studies
Assistant Professor of German Studies
Poetry and poetics, memory studies, and German/Hebrew literature

headshot of Marie Suver

Marie Suver

Cornelius Vanderbilt Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
Neuroscience, behavior, sensory and motor systems, electrophysiology

headshot of Alexandre Tiriac

Alexandre Tiriac

Hooley Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
Neural circuits, specifically visual, somatosensory, proprioceptive, and motor circuits

headshot of Allison Walker

Allison Walker

Steven and Bunny Fayne Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Chemical biology, computational chemistry, machine learning

headshot of Katherine Wen

Katherine Wen

C. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Medicine, Health & Society
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Health & Society
Health economics, health services, policy analysis, vaccine policy

headshot of Matthew Worsnick

Matthew Worsnick

Berg Dean’s Faculty Fellow
Assistant Professor of History of Art & Architecture
Architectural history, design studies, curation, urbanism

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John Yang

SC Family Dean's Faculty Fellow in Chemistry
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Enzyme catalysis, protein engineering, physical organic chemistry

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James Zainaldin

Mellon Foundation Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Classical Studies
Assistant Professor of Classical and Mediterranean Studies
Latin linguistics, Greek and Roman philosophy, Roman agriculture, Greco-Roman and Chinese comparative studies


Allison Anoll, Assistant Professor of Political Science

  • How social context, connections, and norms affect political participation, especially among racial and ethnic minorities.

Megan Behringer, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

  • Experimental evolution, environmental factors, genomic analysis and genetic variation

Brandon Byrd, Assistant Professor of History

  • History of the 19th and 20th century U.S. with specializations in African American History and the African Diaspora.

Emmanuele Costa, Assistant Professor of Philosophy

  • Early modern philosophy and metaphysics, philosophy of religion, political philosophy, Renaissance philosophy

Marcelo Disconzi, Assistant Professor of Math

  • Geometric analysis, fluid dynamics, relativistic fluids, and mathematical physics.

Rebecca Epstein-Levi, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies

  • Moral and textual implications of treating sex as one species of social interaction

Christy ErvingS Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow for the Study of Race, Racial Justice, or Social Justice in Sociology, Assistant Professor of Sociology

  • Medical sociology, mental health, health disparities, population health, and the intersections of race, ethnicity, immigration, and gender.

Raheleh Filsoofi, Assistant Professor of Art

  • Synthesizing socio-political statements, ancient and contemporary media

Patrick Greiner, Assistant Professor of Sociology

  • Inequality emerging from social, political, and economic structures

Diana Heney, Assistant Professor of Philosophy

  • Objectivity of ethical judgements, the nature of moral judgements, and ethical issues pertaining to mental illness.

Karan Jani, Assistant Professor of Physics & Astronomy

  • Black holes, general theory of relativity, gravitational wave detectors

Amanda Lea, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

  • Evolutionary biology, genomics, and human health research

Michelle Marcus, Assistant Professor of Economics

  • Environment, health disparities, public policy

Lars Plate, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

  • Networks of protein interactions that drive the function of healthy cells that provide insights into what causes disease.

Raisa Rexer, Assistant Professor of French

  • 19th century French literature and the early history of photography.

Tasha Rijke-Epstein, Assistant Professor of History

  • Urban history, material culture, built forms, museums and public history, and politics of kinship and belonging.

Larry Rolen, Assistant Professor of Mathematics

  • Number theory, particularly so-called harmonic Maass forms and modular-type functions.

Jessie Runnoe, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

  • Quasar central engines, long-term variability, and unification; the host-AGN connection; low-frequency gravitational waves, and supermassive black hole binaries.

Akshya Saxena, Assistant Professor of English

  • 20th and 21st century Anglophone world literature, film, and media, with a focus on South Asia.

Bradley SmithCornelius Vanderbilt Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Political Science, Assistant Professor of Political Science

  • Studies questions at the intersection of international conflict and international cooperation, specifically military cooperation in the international system. 

Stephen Taylor, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

  • Gravitational wave astrophysics, multi-messenger astronomy, statistical inference, black holes, neutron stars, and pulsar timing arrays. 

Ann Tate, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences

  • Temporal and evolutionary dynamics of host-microbe, the immune system, and its function.

Steven Townsend, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

  • Human milk science and the synthesis of carbohydrates.

Rebecca VanDiver, Assistant Professor of Art History

  • African American art

Guojun Wang, Assistant Professor of Asian Studies

  • Late imperial Chinese literature.

We Jung Yi, Assistant Professor of Asian Studies

  • Comparative Asian studies, translation theory, film and media studies, gender criticism, and histories of violence in the Pacific Rim

Erin York, Assistant Professor of Political Science

  • How governing autocratic institutions influence political outcomes; legislative institutions and opposition participation

Meng Zhang, Assistant Professor of History

  • Late imperial and modern China, economic and environmental transformation, transnational connections.