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Bianca Manago

Assistant Professor of Sociology
Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Sociology

Bianca Manago is Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Sociology and Assistant Professor of Sociology. She received her PhD in Sociology from Indiana University. Her research examines the factors that shape two related forms of inequality: stigma, a measure of social exclusion, and status, the extent to which one is perceived as respected and competent. Her theoretical interests require multiple methodological approaches, including experiments (laboratory and survey-based), in-depth interviews, and survey data. She also studies and develops the methods used to examine social phenomena.

Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the American Sociological Association and has appeared in American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Sociological Methodology, Social Psychology Quarterly, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, among other prominent outlets. Bianca has received the American Sociological Association Social Psychology Section’s Outstanding Contribution Award (2020) and the Mental Health Section’s Best Dissertation Award (2019). Bianca is the founding director of the VU Sociology Lab.