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First-Year Students

CASPAR | AXLE | Timeline | Academic Orientation | Resources | Contact


Welcome to the College of Arts & Science!

You’re about to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery that will prepare you to tackle society’s biggest challenges, find success in our rapidly changing economy, and make a positive impact on our world. In the College of Arts & Science, you will discover your passions, dive deep into your interests, forge unexpected connections across disciplines, and learn skills and capacities that will serve you for life.

We’re so glad you’ve decided to join us in A&S. We are excited to be on this journey with you.


CASPAR (College of Arts and Science Pre-major Academic Advising Resource) is our dedicated advising program for all A&S students for their first two years. Your dedicated CASPAR adviser will work with you from before you arrive at Vanderbilt until you declare your major, at which point you will have a faculty adviser in the department of your major.

Your dedicated CASPAR adviser will reach out to you the summer before you arrive with important information about registering for classes and scheduling your course load, and to answer any of your academic questions. Learn more about CASPAR and review the Overview of AXLE & CASPAR.

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AXLE (Achieving eXcellence in Liberal Education) is the college’s core curriculum for all students entering before Fall 2025. (Please note that any students entering in Fall 2025 or later will take the College Core.)

AXLE is designed to help you explore our unique breadth of opportunities across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, to discover what you’re passionate about, and to learn fundamental capacities that will serve you for life. Learn more about AXLE and review the Overview of AXLE & CASPAR.

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Please take special note of these dates for the summer before you arrive and the beginning of your first semester. There will be an advising hold on your account that prevents you from registering for fall classes until you complete all advising requirements.


  • Once you receive the email from the University Registrar, activate your VUNetID and Vanderbilt email address, set up DUO multi-factor authentication, and familiarize yourself with important software, particularly Brightspace, YES, and Zoom (more details).
  • Your individual adviser will email you to introduce him/herself, explain the advising process, provide instructions on completing the required Brightspace module, and provide your assigned registration window. (Please note that this window cannot be changed.)
  • Complete the assigned Brightspace module (link will be provided by your CASPAR adviser).
  • Either (1) submit your advising form on the CASPAR website (link forthcoming) OR (2) meet with your adviser remotely (make an appointment online).
  • Check your YES landing page for any holds on your account and contact the appropriate office to have them removed. You will be unable to register for classes if there are any holds on your account.
  • Review the YES user guides to prepare for the technical aspects of registration.


  • June 3-7: Week 1 of fall course registration
  • June 10-14: Week 2 of fall course registration
  • June 17-21: Week 3 of fall course registration


  • Order any test scores (AP/IB or SAT/ACT) you would like to be included in your record (more details).
  • Complete the transfer process for any pre-freshman credit completed prior to matriculation (more details).
  • Open Enrollment begins (date TBA). You can make any necessary adjustments to your schedule, verify AP/IB test scores, and make adjustments to your class schedule as needed based on those scores. Any changes you make to your schedule during Open Enrollment (such as dropping a class) will not be reflected on your final transcript.


  • August 19: Meet the Dean (9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., Langford Auditorium)
  • August 19: Academic Night (8 p.m. - 9 p.m., Ingram Commons House)
  • August 21: Fall classes begin


  • September (date TBA): Open Enrollment closes. Be sure to finalize your course schedule before this date.

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Below are several academic resources that may be useful during your time in the College of Arts and Science. If you need additional information or have other questions, please contact your CASPAR adviser.

Academic calendars 

Adviser holds in YES

AP, IB, and other pre-college test credit

Consent to Release Academic Information Form

Pre-freshman transfer credit

Undergraduate Catalog

YES User Guides


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CASPAR (Pre-major advising) Office, College of Arts and Science
Location: 225 Ingram Commons
Phone: (615) 343-5495

Office of Undergraduate Education, College of Arts and Science 
Location: 350 Buttrick Hall
Phone: (615) 343-5495

Vanderbilt University Registrar
Location: 110 Baker Building
Phone: (615) 322-7701

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