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Faculty Advisory Council

The Faculty Advisory Council assembles colleagues with a demonstrated interest in languages to lend their expertise to the VCL Director.  Together they contribute an astounding range of knowledge and experience—in urban humanities, history, the arts, global and local community connections, teaching language and culture, study abroad, service-learning, and they all bring deep experience connecting Vanderbilt to the world.  Representing varied perspectives from several disciplines and schools, the Faculty Advisory Council provides valuable insight on Vanderbilt’s role in making ours a more global campus.

Council members:

Divya Chaudhry
Chalene Helmuth
Jane Landers
Ben Legg
James McFarland
Josh McGuire
Letizia Modena
Ben Tran







Language Pedagogy Advisory Committee (LPAC)

Members of the Language Pedagogy Advisory Committee advise the Director of the Vanderbilt Center for Languages on matters related to the Center’s support of language pedagogy.

The LPAC team serves as a liaison between the Center and the language programs and departments. As such, they are expected to engage with their colleagues and help information flow both ways from the Vanderbilt Center for Languages.  In effect, LPAC members represent the Vanderbilt Center for Languages in their home departments and programs, and ensure the VCL Director hears concerns, suggestions, and other helpful information from the language faculty.

LPAC members have distinguished themselves as practitioners and scholars of second-language acquisition, linguistics, and related fields. They ensure that the Center continues to enrich the instruction of languages at Vanderbilt University, specifically by giving its faculty exposure to the newest technologies and pedagogical practices, and by seeking opportunities that support their professional development.

If you are interested in serving on the Language Advisory Pedagogy Committee, please contact Director Chalene Helmuth.

Committee members:

Pengfei Li
Seok Bae Jang
Nathalie Dieu-Porter
Albina Khabibulina
Maria Paz Pintane
Hideko Shimizu






Language Integration in the Residential Communities (LIRC)

Language integration provides an innovative mechanism to further deliver on the promise of the residential colleges.  The LIRC committee was formed in Fall 2022 to explore and analyze the landscape of possibilities for expanded integration of languages in the residential communities at Vanderbilt University.  Its members represent a cross-section of stakeholders: undergraduate and graduate students, language faculty, VU Dining, residential faculty, Student Affairs staff, and university administrators.

We began with Language Tables, launching in September 2022 with Korean, and by the start of the Spring 2023 semester offered 13 languages every week in various residential college dining halls. Language Tables begin meeting the second week of every semester.

In Spring 2024 we will be hosting a grand opening of the VCL Satellite in Rothschild for language-centered events. Stay tuned!


Committee members: