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Semester Elsewhere

A student who wishes to take a leave of absence to earn academic credit elsewhere should first contact the College of Arts and Science Office of Undergraduate Education at to arrange a meeting with an associate dean.

After meeting with the associate dean, the student must submit a proposed program of study to the Committee on Individual Programs. A statement should accompany the proposal, indicating the rationale and educational reasons for the program, the ways in which it complements the Vanderbilt curriculum, and the equivalence of standards to those of Vanderbilt. Approval of the overall plan by the Committee must be followed by the approval of specific courses by the most appropriate academic department and by the A&S Office of Undergraduate Education. Finally, the student must contact the associate dean for approval of a leave of absence. All these arrangements must be made in advance of the proposed term elsewhere.

In order for credit to be awarded for a semester elsewhere, an official transcript must be received by the A&S Office of Undergraduate Education as soon as possible after completion of the work.