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The major in Jewish studies requires a minimum of 30 credit hours.

  1. Introductory course – 3 credit hours
    • JS 1002 or 1002W: Introduction to Jewish Studies, JS 1040: Introduction to Modern Jewish History, or JS 1010: Introduction to Judaism.
  2. Language – 6 credit hours
    • Two semesters of Intermediate Hebrew (Hebrew 2201–2202) or biblical Hebrew (REL 5120) are required.
    • Alternatively, students may take an exam to prove intermediate-level proficiency. If this option is exercised, students will take an additional 6 credit hours of electives toward the major.
    • In place of biblical or modern Hebrew, interested students may substitute one of the following languages of the Jewish people: Rabbinic Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish, Ladino, or Judaeo-Arabic. For languages not presently taught at Vanderbilt, proficiency at the intermediate level may be demonstrated through an exam administered by a designated member of the Jewish Studies faculty. If this option is exercised, students will take an additional 6 credit hours of electives toward the major.
  3. Electives – minimum of 21 credit hours
    • Any of the courses listed below that are not used to fulfill a requirement towards the major may be counted as an elective with the exception of JS 3880, which cannot count toward the major because it must be taken Pass/Fail.
    • In addition to courses drawn from Arts and Science departments and the professional schools, nontraditional course work may also be selected, including archaeology at Tel Megiddo (Israel), service learning, and internships.
    • Study abroad is encouraged and can be fulfilled with CET Jewish Studies in Prague and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Ready to declare?

Please contact our Director of Undergraduate Studies: Rebecca Epstein-Levi

Download a Declaration of Major form here.

For more information on declaring a major, visit the College of Arts & Science’s Majors and Minors page.