BRAZIL WEEK – SEPTEMBER 11 to 15, 2023
Monday, September 11
4:00 pm: Capoeira Lesson and Demonstration with Prof. Gil Whiting and Mestre Valu; Buttrick Hall Terrace.
Tuesday, September 12
12:00 pm: A Conversation with Brazilian trans scholar, journalist, and activist Sara Wagner York; Furman Hall 003.
Wednesday, September 13
12:10-1:10pm: Lecture on Capoeira from Dr. Lauren Miller Griffith (Texas Tech); Furman Hall 003.
Thursday, September 14
12:00 pm: Lecture by Dr. Gustavo Siqueira (UERJ), “A history of the act of judging in Brazil: the experience of the city of Barra Mansa (1893-1980);” Furman Hall 003.
Friday, September 15
12:10-1:10 pm: Roundtable Discussion with FLAS Portuguese Language Summer Award Recipients Eli Apple, Michael Peck and Justin Jones; Furman Hall 003.
4:00-6:00 pm: Brazilian Karaoke Party with Brazilian snacks and drinks; Furman Hall 003.