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4 + 1 M.A. Program

Latin American Studies 4 + 1 M.A. Program

CLACX offers 4 + 1 program which allows exceptional undergraduate Latin American studies majors to quickly complete their master’s degree through taking an additional year of coursework and completing a master’s thesis. Students considering the 4 + 1 program should consult with their advisor as early as possible and make formal application to the program by the end of their junior year. An application consists of a letter of intent, a copy of college transcripts, and the names of two Vanderbilt faculty who could be consulted as references. Decisions on admission to the program will be decided by CLACX’s Executive Committee. Any questions about the program can be directed to Gretchen Selcke.

Requirements for Admission to the Program

  1. Students must have an undergraduate major in LAS (or in exceptional cases a closely related field with sufficient LAS content).
  2. Students must have taken LAS 2101 and LAS 4901 during undergraduate years.
  3. Students must apply in the student’s junior year.

Other Requirements for the 4 + 1 M.A.:

  1. Students must write an MA thesis (the non-thesis option is not available for 4+1 students).
  2. Students must complete 18 hours of formal LAS coursework, the distribution of which will be established by the graduate advisor in consultation with the student.
  3. No independent study hours are allowed (except for thesis hours).
  4. Students must complete 9 hours of work during the summer after their senior year; we encourage students to take 6 hours of thesis research and 3 hours of formal coursework (although all 9 hours may be used for thesis work).
  5. Students must submit a completed thesis for defense and final approval by late March for May graduation.