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What French Course Should I Take?

To take the VU placement test, follow this link:
French Department Language Placement Test  (For placement purposes only.)

If you need further assistance:
for FREN 1101 through 2203 – contact Prof. Alexis Finet, Language Program Director,
for FREN 2501w & above – contact  Prof. Raisa Rexer, Director of Undergraduate Studies



VU Placement Test Scores:

0-259          French 1101 (2 years or less of French in high school)
260-349     French 1103 (2-3 years of French in high school)
350-419      French 2203 (3-4 years of French in high school)
420+           French 2501w (4 years of French in high school)
Above 520, contact the DUS to determine what level course best fits your needs.

SAT Placement:

0-500           French 1101
501-530       French 1103
531-590       French 2203
591+            French 2501w

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit:

4 or 5 on French Language Exam = 8 hours credit for FR 2203 & 2501w

4 or 5 on French Literature Exam = 8 hours credit for FR 2203 & 3 hours of elective credit

 International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit:

6 or 7 on subsidiary = 5 hours credit for FR 2203

6 or 7 on higher = 5 hours credit for FR 2203 plus 3 hours elective credit


0 years of high school French or placement score of 0-260 = French 1101

Students who have completed 1101 = French 1102

1-2 years of high school French or placement score of 260-349 = French 1103
(1103 is one-semester, accelerated first-year French)

3-4 years of high school French, placement score of 350-419, or SAT score of 540-589 = French 2203

4+ years of high school French, placement score of 420+,
IB subsidiary score of 6 or 7, or SAT score of 590 = French 2501w or higher