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Graduate Student News

Jacob Abell has accepted a Tenure-track offer with R1 Baylor University in Waco Texas.

Nathan Dize has accepted a Tenure-track position with R1 Washington University in St. Louis.

Anthony Contreras has accepted a Teaching position at The Paideia School in Atlanta GA.

Meghan McGinley has been awarded a Mellon Graduate Fellowship in Digital Humanities for the AY 2021-2022.

Meghan McGinley published a book review of Richard Scholar’s French Words That Turned English in the AmeriQuests journal.

Meghan McGinley has been selected as the HASTAC Scholar for the Center for Digital Humanities for the 2020-2021 academic year. Her project engages with the George Clulow-United States Playing Card Company Gaming Collection in Vanderbilt’s Special Collections to trace the geo-spatial evolution of the game of tarot.

Meghan McGinley was invited to present her paper “Ludic Ideology at Odds: Economic Play in Jacques Rivette’s Paris nous appartient” at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference in March 2021. Additionally, McGinley will present research on game iconography in Jean-Luc Godard’s œuvre for the Cultural Literacy Everywhere symposium “Playfulness” in May 2021.

Jacob Abell, PhD Candidate in French wins award for Best Screenplay (Shorts) at the Tampa Bay Underground Film Festival for his short film Speak Again, which was nominated in seven categories at the festival including Best Drama. Abell was also nominated for Best Director with his co-writer and co-director Jared LaCroix. Vanderbilt University Theater alumna Madeline Mooney was nominated for Best Actress for her work in the film which was shot on location in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado in 2019. This marks the ninth film festival for Speak Again, including a recent selection at the Nashville Film Festival. Speak Again will next be screened at the Dunedin International Film Festival.

2020 Claude & Vincenette Pichois Graduate student awards have been announced: Excellence in Graduate Teaching was awarded to Meghan McGinley. Excellence in Graduate Research was awarded to Jacob Abell and Nathan Dize. Outstanding Service by a Graduate Student was awarded to Sarah Arvidson and Bryant White.

Nathan Dize’s  translation of Makenzy Orcel’s novel Les Immortelles from French to English will be released this November with SUNY Press.

Abby Broughton (Ph.D 2020) accepted a position as Assistant Professor of French (NTT) at High Point University in High Point, NC, to begin Fall 2020.

Bryant White is awarded a 2020 Summer Language Training Grant for $5000 from the College of Arts & Science.

Anne-Sophie Dubosson has her poem,”Ma peau enfouie dans le limon”, read on Radiopanik – Revues Litteraires: Belgique, Suisse, France Radiopanik. Click here for more details. 

Bonnie Griffin (Ph.D 2020) accepted a position as Taxonomy Analyst for the French market with Indeed, Austin, TX, beginning this spring.

Jacob Abell received the Vanderbilt University, College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award for 2019

Meghan McGinley has been invited to present her paper “Language as Debt: Reimagining Saussure’s Positive Linguistic Sign as a Debt Structure” at the Yale Comparative Literature “Currencies” conference on March 31st and April 1st .

Cara Bailey is presenting her paper “La violence et le nationalisme du commissaire Llob dans Double blanc de Yasmina Khadra” at the Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, March 31-April 1, in Cincinnati, OH.

Jacob Abell has been invited to present  a paper at the International Medieval Congress at the University of Leeds in July 2017. The topic of his paper will be the diversity and structure of different forms of knowledge in the work of Bonaventure, a medieval scholastic philosophical theologian who taught at the University of Paris.

Raquelle Bostow was awarded a grant from Women in French to present her paper “Abjection, Feminine Resistance and Death in Eliette Abécassis’s La Répudiée.” at theSAMLA conference in November 2016.

Meghan McGinley has been selected to present her paper “Market Movements, Literary Shifts: Fear, Greed and Hope as Cultural Volatility Drivers during La Belle Époque” at the UCLA French and Francophone Studies “Fear” conference this October.

Nathan Dize recently published a piece on the African American Intellectual Historical Society (AAIHS) blog called  Reading Junot Díaz in France: American Racism and Teaching in a Trump Era.”
In addition, Nathan and Abby Broughton were invited to present to the Caribbean Digital conference at Columbia University to present as part of a roundtable of scholars developing innovative digital projects pertaining to Caribbean culture, history, and literature.

Roxane Pajoul was selected to receive a Summer Research Award from the Vanderbilt Graduate School. She will travel to Martinique and Guadeloupe to do archival research and conduct interviews .

Kate Devine is the 2016-17 Vanderbilt Graduate Exchange Student. She will spend the year in Paris  where she will be a lecturer in English at The Sorbonne.

Alexandra Astier is the 2016-17 Vanderbilt Graduate Exchange Teacher coming from Paris, France.  She will teach French 1101 and serve as the French Hall Coordinator in McTyeire Hall.

Abby Broughton, Kathryn Devine, Bonnie Griffin and Cara Wilson researched and curated an 18th Century Book exhibition in the Jean and Alexandra Heard Library.  The exhibition, entitled “Sensuality and Textuality: Experiencing the 18th Century Book” will be in the Lobby of Central Library from May 2016 – March 2017.

Bonnie Griffin presented her paper, “Shock, Subversion, and the Belgian Congo: Jef Geeraerts as a Queer Colonial AntiHero?” at the UGA Crossroads Conference (Feb 5-6 2016)

Raquelle Bostow spent the 2015-16 academic year in Aix-Marseille Université where she served as a lecturer in English.

Diana Banegas, our 2015-16 Graduate Exchange Teacher and McTyeire French Hall Coordinator, has returned to Aix-en-Provence where she will continue work at Vanderbilt in France.

Abby Broughton, second year PhD. student in French, has just announced the launch of a second installment of her digital humanities project A Colony in Crisis: The Saint-Domingue Grain Shortage of 1789.