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Trans Area Literature Collective

The Trans Area Literature Collective consists of scholars of twentieth- and twenty-first-century literatures across media, with special interests in global, interdisciplinary, and multilingual perspectives. Our work draws on area-studies models to expand beyond comparative approaches to literary studies. We challenge the power inequities inherent in traditional practices of comparison, focusing on histories of colonialism and imperialism, the politics of minority and indigenous cultures, and questions of race and gender. These research commitments also inform our pedagogy in the undergraduate and graduate classroom.


TALC Members

Professor Candice Amich

Assistant Professor of English

Performance Studies, Poetics, Neoliberal Americas

Faculty profile

Mellon Assistant Professor, Cinema & Media Arts

Cinema and Media, Diaspora and Queer Theory

Faculty profile

Professor Candice Amich

Robert Penn Warren Professor in the Humanities

Caribbean, Early American, Animal Studies

Faculty profile

Assistant Professor of English

Political Theology, Critical Theory, Continental Philosophy

Faculty profile

Professor of Cinema & Media Arts and English

Film & Media Studies, Critical Theory, Environmental Studies

Faculty profile

Max Kade Foundation Chair in German Studies | Professor of Cinema & Media Arts | Chair, Department of German, Russian and East European Studies

Media Arts, Aesthetic Theory, Exile and Border Studies 

Faculty Profile

Martha Rivers Ingram Professor of English, Professor of Comparative Literature

Americas, Translation, Black Atlantic

Faculty profile

Assistant Professor of English

U.S.- Mexico Border Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Environmental Humanities

Faculty Profile

Associate Professor of English

Africa Diaspora, Critical Theory, Sound and Media

Faculty profile

Assistant Professor of English

Global South Comparatism (South Asian and African Anglophone literatures), Critical Translation Studies, Sound and Media

Faculty profile

Associate Professor of English

Diaspora, Transnationalism, Jewish Modernity

Faculty profile

Assistant Professor of German Studies

Poetry and Poetics, Critical Theory, Memory Studies

Faculty profile

Associate Professor 

Decolonization, Translation, Transpacific

Faculty profile

Assistant Professor of Asian Studies

Korean literature and culture, translation theory, and gender studies

Faculty profile


TALC Events


TALC events 2020