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Esther Duflo standing next to a projector screen with lecture attendees in auditorium seats in the background

Steine Lecture in Economics

The David Steine Lectureship honors former Vanderbilt professor David L. Steine and was established in 1978 by multiple donors. The endowment supports one to two annual lectures that address economic problems of interest to the general public. 

Fall 2024 Steine Lecture


Frederic Mishkin, Columbia University (Spring 2024)
“Central Banking Post Crises”

Janet Curry, Princeton University (Spring 2023)
"Child Health as Human Capital"

Ariel Pakes, Harvard University (Fall 2022)
"Health Care: Problems and Prospects"

Kerwin K. Charles, Yale University (Spring 2022)
"Racial Disparities in Today's Economy"

David Card, Class of 1950 Professor of Economics, UC-Berkeley (2020)
"Are We Underinvesting in Education?" [video]

Esther Duflo, 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics; Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology  (2019)
“Good Economics for Hard Times”  

Janet Yellen, Distinguished Fellow in Residence, Brookings Institute; Former Chair, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (2019)
“A Conversation with Janet Yellen,” moderated by Peter Rousseau

Susan Athey, Economics of Technology Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Business (2018)
“The Impact of Digital Intermediaries on Product Quality and Industry Structure: Evidence from News and Ridesharing” 

Ben Bernanke, Distinguished Fellow in Residence, Brookings Institution; Former Chair of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve (2018)
“A Conversation with Ben Bernanke," moderated by Peter Rousseau

Oliver Hart, 2016 Nobel Laureate; Harvard University (2018)
“Does Serving Shareholders Mean Putting Profit Above All Else?” 

Olivier Blanchard, Peterson Institute for International Economics (2017)
"State of the Advanced Economies: Forces, Interactions, Uncertainties"

Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, Yale University (2017)
“Trade Policy in an Era of Growing Inequality” 

Alvin Roth, Stanford University; 2012 Nobel Laureate in Economics (2016)
"Who Gets What and Why: The New Economics of Matching and Market Design"