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Majors and Minors

Explore and Discover. Economics studies how individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies make decisions given scarce resources. Through theoretical modeling and rigorous empirical analysis, students develop analytical, quantitative, and problem-solving skills to understand the workings of an economy, to evaluate various economic outcomes using criteria such as efficiency, equity, and stability and to analyze the effects of various policies (like changes in the interest rate, minimum wage, school reform, tariffs, crime, pollution, etc.). 

Degrees Offered

The Department of Economics offers a major and a minor in Economics. The department also offers a major in Economics and History (offered jointly with the Department of History) and a minor in Political Economy (offered jointly with the Department of Political Science).

Declaring a Major or Minor

To declare a major or minor in Economics, please fill out the following form:

Degree Requirements

Economics Major and Minor Requirements

Class TypeEconomics MajorEconomics Minor
Class Type
Economics Major
Economics Minor
Total Hours
Required Courses
ECON 1010: Macroeconomics3 hours3 hours
ECON 1020: Microeconomics3 hours3 hours
ECON 1500 or 1510: Statistics3 hours3 hours
ECON 3012: Intermediate Micro3 hours3 hours
ECON 3022: Intermediate Macro3 hours---
ECON 3032 or 3035: Econometrics3 hours---
Econ at any level6 hours6 hours
Upper-level Econ9 hours above ECON 30353 hours above ECON 3015
Total Hours3321

Economics and History Major Requirements

Class typeHours 
Class type
Total Hours
Economic History Courses 9 hours
ECON 1010: Macroeconomics3 hours
ECON 1020: Microeconomics3 hours
ECON 1500 or 1510: Statistics3 hours
ECON 3012: Intermediate Micro 3 hours
ECON 3022: Intermediate Macro3 hours
Upper-level Economics elective3 hours above ECON 3022 (except 3150 and 3160)
History courses18 hours
Total Hours45

Additional Requirements

  • One semester of calculus is prerequisite to ECON 1500 and 1510.
  • Calculus 2 (Math 1201 or 1301) is the prerequisite to ECON 3012, 3022, 3032, 3035, and all courses above 3035.

In lieu of ECON 1500 or 1510, students may take MATH 2820L, plus MATH 2810 or MATH 2820.

  • Only 3 hours of independent study can count toward the major.
  • ECON 1111 counts as an elective below 3000.
  • Economics majors do not receive credit for ECON 3010 or 3020.