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Immersion Vanderbilt: Thomas Hum’s semester in SE Asia will provide personal as well as academic immersion

Posted by on Thursday, March 25, 2021 in Uncategorized.

Thomas Hum’s Immersion project, planned for Spring 2022, will plunge him not only academically into studying the developing economies of China and Singapore, but also physically into the homes of families in the towns he will visit.  As a participant in the School for International Training, he will travel to and study the growing financial centers of Southeast Asia, while living in homestays where the families speak Mandarin Chinese. This experience will allow him to not only earn credit for courses abroad and learn more about these developing economies, but also to be immersed in different cultures and improve his foreign language skills. Towards the end of the program, Thomas will participate in an internship in Malaysia which will give him hands-on work experience in the banking and financial sectors of Southeast Asia. At the conclusion of his semester abroad, Thomas plans to produce a short film comprised of video clips, video journal entries, and photos that will document how he spent his Immersion experience.