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Immersion Vanderbilt: Agneetta Moisio ’22

Posted by on Monday, August 16, 2021 in Uncategorized.

Agneetta Moisio (class of 2022) spent Summer ’21 participating in a 10-week investment banking internship with Deutsche Bank in fulfillment of her Immersion requirement. She completed two rotations in different departments, starting with the foreign exchange sales desk, where currencies and precious metals are being bought and sold. There she studied currency derivatives, such as various options strategies, and followed global news and current events, learning about their impact on currency prices. In the second rotation, Agneetta worked with the ratings advisory desk, where clients are advised on how their financial transactions impact their company’s credit rating.  At the end of the project, Agneetta wrote an 8-page paper, which discussed the impact of COVID-19 on foreign exchange markets and identified future opportunities and themes in the field.  She plans on incorporating her summer internship as part of her Immersion project. Congratulations on an exciting internship experience, Agneetta!