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Economics faculty hires for 2022-23 academic year

Posted by on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 in Uncategorized.

Adam Blandin joins us this fall as an assistant professor. After earning his Ph.D. in Economics from Arizona State University in 2016, he worked as an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University and was a regular visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Professor Blandin studies macroeconomics, labor economics, and public economics and is co-principle investigator of the Real-Time Population Survey (RPS), a high-frequency online survey designed to provide novel insights into the state of the labor market.   He has two papers forthcoming: “Hours and Wages” in the Quarterly Journal of Economics and “Family Heterogeneity, Human Capital Investment, and Aggregate College Attainment” in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Professor Blandin will be teaching intermediate macro, as well as classes on poverty and inequality.


Karim Nchare will be a new Senior Lecturer this year.  He comes to us from an assistant professorship in Economics at the African School of Economics and a Visiting Scholar position in the Department of Politics at Princeton University. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Penn State in 2019. Professor Nchare’s research interests are theoretical and applied econometrics with an emphasis on microeconometrics and behavioral economics. Recent publications include “Dogit Model and Rational Inattention,” published in Economics Letters in 2021. Karim will teach classes in economic statistics and econometrics at the undergraduate level at Vanderbilt.