The Intergenerational Transmission of Policy: McGee Public Policy Lecture
Mar. 29, 2022—Spring 2022 McGee Public Policy Lecture speaker Anna Aizer of Brown University will speak on the topic “Understanding the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty: How Economic Research Can Inform Policy.” The lecture is in person on Monday, April 18, 2022 at 4:10 PM in Wilson Hall 103, with a reception to follow, and will also be...
Steine Lecture addresses Racial Disparities in Today’s Economy
Mar. 29, 2022—The Spring 2022 Steine Lecture, given in person by Kerwin K. Charles of the Yale School of Management, will cover the topic “Racial Disparities in Today’s Economy.” it will take place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 4:10 PM in Wilson Hall 103. A reception will follow the lecture. More information here: https://as.vanderbilt.edu/economics/steine-economics-lecture/.
Michelle Marcus interviewed for health economy newsletter
Feb. 28, 2022—Michelle Marcus was interviewed in the latest newsletter for the American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon). In the article, “The Role of Health Economics Research in Informing an Effective Response to Climate Change,” Marcus and her colleagues in the field discuss ongoing research at the intersection of health and environmental economics that may help inform...
Michelle Marcus named as Dean’s Faculty Fellow for 2022-2024
Jan. 21, 2022—Assistant Professor Michelle Marcus has been named C. Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Economics for a term running from Jan. 2022 until August 2024. The Dean’s Faculty Fellows Program launched in 2018 to support tenure-track faculty in their research, scholarship, and creative expression during their probationary period. The fellowship includes the opportunity for research funds...
Kevin Huang publishes paper co-authored by two graduates of the Vandy Econ PhD program
Nov. 4, 2021—Kevin Huang’s paper “Land Price Dynamics and Macroeconomic Fluctuations with Imperfect Substitution in Real Estate Markets” was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. The paper is coauthored with two former Ph.D. students, Scott Davis (PhD ’09) and Ayse Sapci (PhD ’13). Davis is now a Senior Research Economist and...
2021-22 Ph.D. Job Market Candidates
Oct. 26, 2021—Vanderbilt Economics is proud to announce its 2021-22 cohort of Ph.D. students on the job market. Good luck, everyone!
Myrna Wooder’s latest game theory paper published in multidisciplinary journal
Oct. 12, 2021—Myrna Wooders’ paper, “Using Game Theory to Thwart Multi-Stage Privacy Intrusions When Sharing Data,” coauthored with an interdisciplinary team, has been accepted at Scientific Advances, a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, with an impact factor of 14.14.
Mattias’ Polborn’s work cited in Intelligencer article “Is America Too Rich For Class Politics?”
Sep. 30, 2021—The working paper “Morals as Luxury Goods and Political Polarization,” by Mattias Polborn and Benjamin Enke (of Harvard), was extensively cited (in fact, used as the basis of the article) in a piece in NY Magazine’s Intelligencer, “Is America Too Rich for Class Politics?”
Bill Collins’s research featured in National Geographic
Sep. 30, 2021—Professor Bill Collins’ research on long-run racial disparities in home ownership is featured in the October 2021 issue of National Geographic. The graph is based on a co-authored paper with Robert Margo of Boston University, “Race and Home Ownership from the End of the Civil War to the Present” (published in 2011 by the American...
Greg Leo and Myrna Wooders have paper accepted at JPET
Sep. 13, 2021—Greg Leo’s and Myrna Wooders’ paper, “Matching Soulmates” (with Yvegeniy Vorobeychik and Jian Lou, from Computer Science and Martin van der Linden (PhD ’21), now at Emery) will appear in the next issue of Journal of Public Economic Theory.