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Ana Regina Andrade

Principal Senior Lecturer in Economics

Professor Andrade is a Principal Senior Lecturer in Economics, who teaches Program Evaluation and a Seminar in Research on Economic Development for the M.A. students working on their master's degree in Economic Development. She also teaches a Latin American Development course for undergraduates. Before teaching full time, Professor Andrade worked for 14 years as Senior Statistician III and Research Associate at the Center for Evaluation and Program Improvement (CEPI, former Center for Mental Health Policy) at Vanderbilt. During her time with CEPI, she conducted longitudinal statistical analyses for several grant-funded research studies. She co-authored and published articles on the effectiveness of mental health treatment for children in actual practice settings. Professor Andrade has collaborated with the Inter-American Development Bank and other institutions as a consultant on gender and labor market outcomes in Latin America. She is a Fulbright and a World Bank scholarship recipient.