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About Us

The mission of the Vanderbilt Center for Languages is to support the teaching and learning of languages, to connect across disciplines through the study of languages, and to pioneer the integration of language in the residential communities at Vanderbilt.

We are located at the crossroads of language and culture, offering a dynamic point of departure to explore communities on campus and around the globe through language study, research, and cross-cultural exchange. We offer a wide range of programming, resources, spaces, and professional development to all in the Vanderbilt community, and beyond.


Three women smiling
Past and current Language Center directors and staff— (left to right) former director Virginia Scott, professor of French, emerita; former director Nathalie Dieu-Porter, principal senior lecturer of French and Italian; Felekech Tigabu, activities coordinator; and current director Chalene Helmuth, associate professor of the practice of Spanish and Portuguese.