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Mike ToddIt’s been a privilege to be part of the MLAS program. The classes and professors who teach them have exposed me to new ways of thinking about the world around me. They have challenged me to consider new thoughts and ideas and reminded me about the joy of learning.
Mike Todd, Senior Videographer/Editor, Office of Strategic Communications

Nan KennedyThe MLAS program is opening up new vistas for me that I thought were long closed. Not only are the MLAS courses immensely enjoyable and the professors engaging and approachable, but I'm expanding my knowledge and skills in ways I can apply to both current and future endeavors.
Nan Kennedy, Program Manager, Vanderbilt Institute for Clinical and Translational Research

Jennifer Johnston

MLAS provides non-traditional students like me the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a top-quality graduate program one or two courses at a time. It’s Vanderbilt’s best-kept secret, in my opinion. Many of Vanderbilt’s brightest and most accomplished faculty teach in the program, often tailoring coursework to the inquiring minds of those of us who postponed our dreams of a graduate education because of jobs or kids, or who continue to juggle work and family obligations. The curriculum awakens the intellect, challenges static mindsets, and encourages and supports intellectual inquiry. Many of us dread finishing because we will miss the privilege of weekly exploring ideas with our fellow MLAS cohort and professors. The course load is manageable and faculty always accessible. Through MLAS, I’ve delved into topics from imaginative writing to the Vietnam War to Jewish humor, and I can’t wait to see what the next semester brings.
Jennifer Johnston, former Director, Vanderbilt Center for Nashville Studies; freelance writer and editor

Odie BlackmonAfter 20-plus years of working in the music industry, I became a professor and entered academia as a practitioner. The Vanderbilt MLAS program gave me the researching and writing skills that I lacked. I utilized Vanderbilt’s Writing Studio to hone my papers and learn how to write abstracts for paper presentations at academic conferences. I took advantage of Vanderbilt’s Center for Teaching, where I received training and earned certifications in “College Teaching” and “Teaching the Humanities," all for free. The classes have been fascinating. Some fit me perfectly. Others didn’t seem like a fit, and I ended up so glad I took them. My professors have been excellent and truly giving. They pushed me to be better and taught me to think critically. I am grateful for this experience and education.
Odie Blackmon, Grammy-nominated/hit songwriter; Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University, Department of Recording Industry; Lecturer in Music, Vanderbilt University, Blair School of Music

Kiesha Bass

All of the classes were very nontraditional and interesting! My favorite teachers were Professor John Lachs (Medical Ethics) and Professor Leonard Folgarait (Art and Politics). I've never thought in a million years that I would take an interest in these topics but it now motivates me to look at each subject differently and analyze more. I recommend this program to anyone seeking your not so typical Master’s Degree from one of the best schools in the country.
Kiesha L. Bass, Circuit Court Clerk

Nima Rakhsha

Vanderbilt University’s Master of Liberal Arts and Science program has allowed me to engage in interesting courses with world-renowned professors. The diversity of courses offered each semester will be sure to provide everyone with interesting material for study, and it is often hard to choose just one course. I am filled with gratitude each day I walk through this beautiful campus to class.
Nima Rakhsha, Operations Coordinator & Assistant to the Director, Recreation and Wellness Center

Ali CoffeyThe greatest part of the MLAS program is the interdisciplinary approach to classes. This broadened my outlook on life and helped me to become a better creative! MLAS not only gave me an amazing degree from a world-class university, but it introduced me to some of the greatest people I know!
Ali Coffey, Program Coordinator, Medical Innovation Development Program, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Doris Culver

There is something so invigorating and gratifying in being able to sit at a conference table with your peers and swap ideas, debate hot topics, and learn, perhaps, as much from each other, as from the instructor. I have taken classes I would have never, ever considered before this program. It has opened my eyes to new ways of thinking, new ways of writing, and new aspirations. The friends I have made will be lifelong friends: a group of us “girls” now refer to ourselves as the “Vandy Vixens” and we go out to dinner regularly! The best part is the age range, 25-65. One of the very best things I have heard was from one of the “young girls” in the program. She said, “so, you are almost done, what will you do next?” I had to smile, what will I do next? Whatever I want! Thank you, Vanderbilt!
Doris Culver, Lead Administrative Assistant, HR Administration, Vanderbilt Medical Center

Heidi Monique Bates

Pursuing the MLAS degree at Vanderbilt University is, without a doubt, the BEST decision I’ve ever made for myself. I have built a network of friends and professional connections that are strong, rewarding, and enduring. The joy and growth I’ve experienced personally, professionally, and socially is incalculable. It would be impossible for me to pick a favorite class or professor. For a life-long learner like myself, this has been a truly exceptional experience in every way. I wish it would never end. Truly.
Heidi Monique Hart, PhD in Nursing Science Program Manager, Center for Research Development and Scholarship, Vanderbilt School of Nursing