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Our goal each semester is to offer a set of courses that are widely attractive to all of our students. We often hear comments such as "I'd like to take them all!"  

Classes are limited in size to encourage optimal student-student and student-faculty interaction. Each course in the MLAS Program follows a seminar format, with lively discussion of the course materials driven by both the professor and the students. Class size is usually capped at about 15 students, but the maximum number of students may be lower depending on the nature of the course. 

Classes are reserved for students who have been accepted into the MLAS degree program. Auditing an MLAS course is thereby not possible .

MLAS courses meet one evening per week, generally from 6:00-8:30 p.m., for the duration of the semester. The Fall semester runs from approximately the last week of August to the second week of December. The Spring semester usually runs from the second week of January to the last week of April. The Summer semester generally runs from the first week of June to the first week of August.