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Mark Wollaeger

Professor Emeritus

I received my B.A. from Stanford University and my Ph.D. from Yale University, where I taught before coming to Vanderbilt in 1994. Currently I am Professor of English and teach courses on Anglo-American modernism, comparative modernisms, twentieth-century British literature, and literary theory.

Joseph Conrad and the Fictions of Skepticism was published by Stanford University Press in 1990. I've also edited two books on Joyce: James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man": A Casebook (Oxford 2003) and Joyce and the Subject of History (co-editor with Victor Luftig and Robert Spoo, Michigan 1996). My articles on Joyce, Woolf, Conrad and others have appeared in journals such as Modernism / Modernity, Modern Language Quarterly, English Literary History, and James Joyce Quarterly.

Modernism, Media, and Propaganda: British Narrative from 1900 to 1945 was published by Princeton University Press in December 2006 (paperback. 2008). I also edited the Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms (2012; paperback 2013), a large collection of essays on global modernisms. I co-founded, with Kevin Dettmar, Modernist Literature & Culture, a book series from Oxford University Press that ran from 2008 to 2018.

Past President of the Modernist Studies Association, I recently published an institutional history of the association, “Scholarship’s Turn: Origins and Effects of the New Modernist Studies,” in The New Modernist Studies, ed. Douglas Mao (Cambridge 2021), and an essay on peripheral modernisms, “Central Issues in Studies of Modernist Peripheries,” is forthcoming in Dibur Literary Journal, a new journal from Stanford.