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Publication Opportunity – PJEAS

Posted by on Thursday, February 4, 2021 in Opportunities.

PJEAS is a student academic journal with the official support of the East Asian Studies Program at Princeton University. We publish works of scholarship written by both undergraduate and graduate students from around the world on political, economic, social, and cultural issues pertaining to the East Asian region (China, Korea, Japan, Mongolia, etc.). PJEAS aims to foster an intellectually rigorous student discourse, while promoting an atmosphere of mutual learning and the development of leadership in these fields.


We are currently reminding and inviting all interested students to submit their academic work for publication in our Spring 2021 Volume (XV), scheduled to be published in May 201. Upon submission, a student’s paper will be reviewed under a blind process. A member of our operational staff will then contact the student within a short period of time to confirm that their paper is under review.


We want to take into consideration the COVID-19 pandemic situation around the world in our article submissions policy. To this end, we will have two deadlines this year: a priority deadline on February 26, 2021, 11:59 PM EST (North America) for students who already have papers ready for submission as well as a final deadline on March 12, 2021, 11:59 EST (North America).We accept articles on a rolling basis, so it is in the author’s interest to submit as soon as possible. 


Students should refer to the below submission guidelines and fill out the Google submissions form at If you have any general inquiries, please email Jason Qu or Gene Chou ( and We have also attached our last Volume, published in Spring of 2019, in this post for interested readers.


PJEAS XV Call for Submissions