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headshot of Prof Anderson

Victor Anderson

John Frederick Oberlin Theological School Professor of Ethics and Society
Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies
Professor of Divinity



Brandon Byrd

Brandon R. Byrd

Associate Professor of History
Associate Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies
Chancellor Faculty Fellow



Headshot of Michael Eric Dyson, a middle aged black man with glasses. He is wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and dark tie.

Michael Eric Dyson

University Distinguished Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies
University Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Society in the Divinity School
Centennial Chair in African American and Diaspora Studies

Headshot of David Ikard, a young black man with a neat goatee. His is wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie.

David Ikard

Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies

Matthew Joseph headshot

Matthew Joseph

Mellon Assistant Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies

Headshot of Tiffany Patterson, a middle aged black woman with short dark hair. She is wearing earrings and a pink wrapped top.

Tiffany Ruby Patterson

Chair of African American and Diaspora Studies
Associate Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies

Associate Professor of History

Headshot of Alice Randall, a middle aged black woman with loose shoulder length black hair. She is wearing a black blouse and necklace, and has her hands on her hips.

Alice Randall

Andrew Mellon Professor of Humanities
Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies

Prof Sharpley-Whiting headshot

Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting

Vice Provost of Arts, Libraries, and Global Engagement
Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Distinguished Chair in the Humanities
Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies
Professor of French
Director of the Callie House Research Center

Headshot of Claudine Taaffe, a middle aged black woman with red glasses. She is wearing a bright red scarf and black shirt, and her curly hair is shoulder length.

Claudine Taaffe

Associate Chair of African American and Diaspora Studies

Principal Senior Lecturer of African American and Diaspora Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies

Associate Director of the Callie House Research Center

Headshot of Gilman Whiting, a middle aged black man. He is wearing a charcoal suit, white shirt, and light blue tie.

Gilman W. Whiting

Associate Chair of African American and Diaspora Studies
Professor of African American and Diaspora Studies

Director of Graduate Studies 
Director of the Scholar Identity Institute
