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Major & Minor

Explore and Discover. All cultures in the Atlantic world and beyond have been deeply affected by the consequences of the African diaspora. The field of African American and diaspora studies has shaped important questions and debates worldwide, including those about race, gender, culture, class, identities, labor, sexuality, and color.

The Major in African American and Diaspora Studies

The major in African American and diaspora studies encourages the development of strong analytical and critical thinking, oral communication, writing skills, and the ability to approach issues from multiple perspectives. Students have access to engaging coursework, study abroad opportunities, service learning, and internships, as well as personalized faculty-student relationships and access to a wide range of programming. The AADS major offers a dynamic, enlightening, and life-defining intellectual experience.


Requirements for the major include at least 36 hours of credit as follows:

At least 6 credit hours of the focused areas of study must focus on the Americas (outside of the United States) and/or Africa. See our courses page for classes that fulfill this requirement.

No more than 9 credit hours of coursework may be taken at the 1000 level (excluding 1010). Approved courses taken at Fisk University may be counted as electives in the program.

In addition to the above requirements, AADS majors must develop an annotated bibliography consisting of 15 sources from the AADS master bibliography and 10 sources that the student has drawn from during their thesis research. The reading list should be diverse, consist of fiction and nonfiction texts, and be multidisciplinary.

See the AADS major checklist.

The Minor in African American and Diaspora Studies

Requirements for completion of the minor include at least 21 credit hours as follows:

At least 6 credit hours of the minor must focus on the Americas (outside of the United States) and/or Africa, and no more than 6 credit hours of the minor can be taken at the 1000 level (excluding 1010). See our courses page for classes that fulfill this requirement.

See the AADS minor checklist.

Declaring a Major or Minor

Complete the Major/Minor Declaration form. See the Major/Minor Declaration User Guide for more information.