Monthly Reports for all financial centers are generated on the fifth business day of each month. Faculty can download these reports from eDog (in Word 2003 format) for all centers for which they are the responsible person. Administrative staff and department chairs can download these reports for all centers to which they have been granted "eDog access".
Although the eDog application lists three dozen reports, only a small subset of these reports are available for a given center. (Which reports are available depend on the type of center being examined and whether there had been any financial transactions in the preceding month.) Most faculty and staff will be able to find all information they need about a grant in one the following three reports.
simplest to read:
MD90T: Grant Summary Monthly Report
» Sample MD90T Report and explanation of key elements
a more detailed listing of budget and expenditures:
MD90S: University Central Designated Funds Monthly Report
» Sample MD90S Report and explanation of key elements
listing of individual transactions:
MD091: Report of Transactions
» Sample MD091 Report and explanation of key elements
eDog and other financial information systems log-in
Information from Office of Financial Affairs ("OFA," a.k.a. "Accounting")
OFA Financial Applications web page
OFA Monthly Reporting web page