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Related Ph.D. Programs

Quantitative and Chemical Biology (QCB)

Students interested in imaging sciences or molecular and cellular biophysics may apply for admission to the Quantitative and Chemical Biology program, which is an inter-departmental umbrella first-year graduate program designed for students who have earned undergraduate degrees in the quantitative and/or physical sciences and wish to pursue a doctoral degree in quantitative biomedical research. After their first year of study, students admitted through the QCB program are able to select a participating Ph.D. program to join, including the Ph.D. program in physics.

Medical Physics

Students interested in a career in medical physics can apply for admission to the Clinical MS Program in Medical Physics. This two-year, CAMPEP-Accredited Program is administered through the Departments of Radiation Oncology and Radiology and Radiological Sciences with degree options in both Radiotherapy Medical Physics and Diagnostic Medical Physics. If you are interested in pursuing a track that includes an MS in Medical Physics and then a Ph.D. in physics, please contact the Director of Medical Physics Education, Dr. John Eley, at

Fisk-Vanderbilt Bridge Program

This program aims to improve underrepresented minority student access to STEM fields. It allows students to start in the master’s degree program at Fisk University and seamlessly move into a Ph.D. program at Vanderbilt University. The two universities are 1.5 miles apart and have a long history of collaboration, particularly in physics and astrophysics. Students in the Bridge Program can take classes and work with faculty on both campuses.