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Colloquium – James Dent

James Dent, Sam Houston State University

Gravitational Waves and Physics Beyond the Standard ModeL

The advent of gravitational wave astronomy has opened a fantastic new window on the study of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics and early universe cosmology. This talk will touch on several theoretical arenas of new physics that can be explored with gravitational waves including primordial black holes, superradiance, and first order phase transitions, along with the relevance of these topics to axions, dark matter, and dark sector physics. A discussion of current searches and discovery prospects for these intriguing possibilities at present and future gravitational wave observatories across a broad range of frequencies will also be given.


Mar 9, 2023 @ 4:00pm Central in Stevenson 4327; reception beforehand at 3:30pm in Stevenson 6333

Host: R. Scherrer; co-hosted by VandyGRAF

To join via Zoom, please contact Reina Beach ( to request the Zoom link.

Ph.D. Texas A&M University
Post-doc – Vanderbilt
Post-doc – Arizona State
Faculty – Louisiana-Lafayette
Faculty – Sam Houston State University (2017-present), Associate Professor