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Colloquium – Ilias Perakis

Ilias Perakis, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Department of Physics

Quantum Tomography of Light-Controlled Superconductivity

Multi-dimensional Coherent Terahertz Spectroscopy (THz-MDCS) is a new tool for probing and controlling with unprecedented resolution the properties of quantum materials by using both the phase and the amplitude of electromagnetic fields. In particular, a pair of phase-locked, intense Terahertz (THz) laser pulses allows the mapping of the quantum dynamics of two elementary excitations with well-defined relative phase in two-dimensional frequency space, which provides superior resolution as compared to conventional experiments probing the dynamics of a single excitation [1]. Establishing this experimental technique in superconductors is new and requires solving a non-equilibrium nonlinear many-body problem [2-4] spanning across several fields of current interest, including light-induced superconductivity, parametric driving of metastable materials phases, and quantum entanglement of supercurrent qubits. In this talk, I will discuss some examples of how THz-MDCS was used to control and characterize strong nonlinearity, quantum interference, and Higgs collective modes in ways not achieved before in superconductors.

[1] Quantum coherence tomography of light-controlled superconductivity, L. Luo, M. Mootz, J. H. Kang, C. Huang, K. Eom, J. W. Lee, C. Vaswani, Y. G. Collantes, E. E. Hellstrom, I. E. Perakis, C. B. Eom, and J. Wang, Nature Physics 19, 201–209 (2023)
[2] Visualization and quantum control of light-accelerated condensates by terahertz multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy, Martin Mootz, Liang Luo, Jigang Wang and llias E. Perakis, Communications Physics 5, 47 (2022)
[3] Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy of light-driven states and their collective modes in multiband superconductors, Martin Mootz, Liang Luo, Chuankun Huang, Jigang Wang, and llias E. Perakis, Physical Review B 109, 014515 (2024)
[4] Evidence for highly damped Higgs mode in infinite-layer nickelates, Bing Cheng, Di Cheng, Kyuho Lee, Martin Mootz, Chuankun Huang, Liang Luo, 1 Zhuoyu Chen, Yonghun Lee, Bai Yang Wang, Ilias E. Perakis, Zhi-Xun Shen, Harold Y. Hwang, Jigang Wang, arXiv:2310.02589v1 and Nature Materials (2024)

Nov 7, 2024 @ 4:10pm (CST) in Featheringill 134; light refreshments available at 3:50 PM

Hosts: R Haglund, S Pantelides