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Mallory Molina

Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Mallory Molina is an assistant professor of physics & astronomy at Vanderbilt University. They were previously an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, a Sloan Minority Ph.D. Scholar, a Ford Postdoctoral Fellow and the first Eccles Astrodata Postdoctoral Fellow, and their research is supported by NSF and NASA.

Molina is deeply committed to creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment in the field of astronomy and science in general. They were the creator and co-founder of Towards a More Inclusive Astronomy (TaMIA) when they were a graduate student at Penn State. This group has now expanded to be a non-profit that supports other groups across the country. Inspired by Molina's work, other science departments at Penn State have created their own groups under the name of TaMIS, or Towards a More Inclusive Science. In addition to their work with TaMIA, Molina has been asked to deliver talks and provide advice on diversity and inclusion-related efforts at multiple institutions across the country.

In addition to science and inclusion efforts, Molina is committed to effective and inclusive teaching. They developed curriculum for a laboratory class for non-majors at Penn State and will be teaching ASTR-2110: The Solar System in Fall 2024.