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Undergraduate Education

Team | DUS Support | Independent Study | Major/Minor Declaration | Transfer Credit 

Scheduling Final Exams | Course Evaluations | YES | CPI | PeopleSoft | Commencement Events

Office of Undergraduate Education Team

Racquel Goff, Academic and Curriculum Services Manager
(615) 322-7939 

Gwen Ildefonso, Academic and Educational Support Program Coordinator
(615) 322-2844 

Amelia Bast, Administrative Specialist
(615) 343-5495

Whom to Contact

Records and Requirements

  • General inquiries
  • A&S academic policies and procedures
  • Semester and degree requirements 

Form Submissions:

  • Form submission policies and procedures
  • Form status
  • Auditing a class
  • Taking a class pass/fail
  • Undergraduates taking graduate courses

Administrative Committee

  • Administrative Committee policies and procedures
  • Petition link and instructions 

Internships for Academic Credit

  • Internship for academic credit enrollment options
  • Enrollment policies and procedures

Racquel Goff:

  • Academic scheduling and CPI
  • Classroom assignments/change
  • Final exams
  • Course proposals and changes to academic programs (faculty)

Gwen Ildefonso:

  • Dean’s notifications
  • Discontinuations and leaves of absence

Amelia Bast:

  • Grade change forms 
  • Major/minor requests
  • Undergraduate conference funding
  • Dean’s certifications and letters
  • Systems access requests
Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) Support

Directors of Undergraduate Studies should have access to YES, PeopleSoft, and DocFinity. You may need to assist your DUS with securing access to these systems. Access requests for these systems are available on the University Registrar’s website. DUS faculty will also need to be added as a departmental approver to the Individual Study, and possibly, the Major/Minor Declaration workflows in Kuali. User guides for both workflows are available on the Workflow page of the University Registrar’s website. Please direct any questions about systems or DUS Kuali workflow access to Lydia Abell.

All course variance requests should be submitted by the DUS to the Office of Undergraduate Education for final approval and submission.

Independent Study

Please review the policy for independent study. Departmental administrators, specifically the DUS, and administrators in the Office of Undergraduate Education approve Individual Study requests once the course instructor has provided approval. Upon final approval, enrollments are processed by the Office of Undergraduate Education or by the Office of the University Registrar. See the user guide about this process on the University Registrar’s website.

Major/Minor Declaration

Please review the polices for declaring a major and declaring a minor. Students officially declare a major and/or minor by submitting the Major/Minor Declaration form. The form is then routed to the department or program offering the major, where an approver ensures that the student meets department or program requirements and assigns an adviser. The form is then routed to the Office of Undergraduate Education to ensure the student meets A&S requirements. Upon final approval, declarations are processed by the University Registrar’s Office. 

A user guide detailing the major/minor declaration process can be found on the University Registrar’s website. If you would like to add, change, or remove departmental approvers, email the University Registrar’s Office and cc Amelia Bast.  

Transfer Credit Course Review

Information about the transfer credit evaluation process can be found on the University Registrar’s website.  

Scheduling Final Exams 

Each term, the University Registrar’s Office publishes the Final Exam Schedule. After the course withdrawal deadline, Racquel Goff will reach out to each department and program to solicit primary and alternate exam needs. If you have questions, contact Racquel Goff.

Course Evaluations 

Vanderbilt course evaluations for instructors of record can be found through Bluera (for evaluations completed after 2016). If you need to request access to Course and Teaching Evaluations, please use the University Registrar’s website to find the access request form.


YES user guides for students, faculty, and staff are available on the University Registrar’s website. YES help is also available online and via the YES Help Desk. To gain access, submit a request form.  

Campus Planning Interface (CPI) 

Campus Planning Interface, which is managed by the University Registrar’s Office, is a platform through which academic departments and programs submit course scheduling data for the upcoming semester. CPI is only open during specific windows as outlined in each school's production timeline, which can be found here. CPI resources and user guides are available on the University Registrar’s website. If you need access to CPI, submit a request form

The A&S Office of Undergraduate Education offers supplemental training during specific times of the year that overlap with CPI production timelines. For questions or further training, please contact Racquel Goff.


PeopleSoft allows users with designated departmental roles access to registration functions, class rolls, and waitlists. If you need access to PeopleSoft, submit a request form. PeopleSoft user guides are available in the Program Specialists & Coordinators folder on Box. Additional PeopleSoft user guides can be provided by emailing Racquel Goff.

Please note that PeopleSoft requires the use of a VPN while out of the Vanderbilt wi-fi network.

Commencement Events

If your unit is interested in hosting a commencement event, email to request that your event be included in the published calendar of campus events. More information can be found on the Commencement website.

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