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Before You Arrive

HR/Pay | Email/ID Card | Benefits | IT | Calendars | Policies | Parking | Public Safety | Relocation | Headshots

  • Complete and Submit the New Employee Information Form

Your department administrator will send you this form to complete. If you do not yet have a Nashville address when you complete the form, you will need to update your address in Oracle once you relocate to Nashville to avoid income taxes related to your old address. This can be done in Oracle under Personal Information > Contact Info.

  • Confirm That All Initial Appointment Requirements Have Been Completed

Check with your appointing department to make sure that all appointment requirements have been completed, including your background check.
Please note: the background check includes both a criminal background check and degree verification. Under no circumstances can a faculty member begin employment until all appointment requirements have been met.

  • Complete Both Parts of the I-9

Both parts of the I-9 MUST be completed before your first day of work. You will not be entered into the VU Human Resources systems until the I-9 is completed. The I-9 process will be initiated by Human Resources at the same time as your pre-employment background check. This is conducted by our vendor, EMPForce, so please be on the lookout for an email from them. If you have questions regarding your I-9, please contact:

Vanderbilt Human Resources
(615) 343-4788

  • Complete Your W-4

Once you receive your VUnetID (see ‘Email/ID Card’ section below), you can complete your W-4 in Oracle under the Pay tab > Tax Withholding.

  • Set Up Direct Deposit

Direct deposit must be set up through Oracle. Read instructions for setting up direct deposit.

International Faculty
  • Work Authorization

If work authorization is needed, please refer to your appointing department for questions regarding visas and costs associated with work authorization. For further support regarding work authorizations, both the International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) and Employee Immigration Services can assist you with any questions you may have.

  • Employment Visas

For more information regarding employment visas, refer to Employee Immigration Services or email them directly.

  • J-1 Visas

If you have a J-1 visa, please contact International Student & Scholar Services:
(615) 322-2753 

  • H-1B Visas

If you have an H-1B visa, please contact Employee Immigration Services:
(615) 343-9046 


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Email/ID Card
  • Establish Your Vanderbilt User Account (VUnetID)

Your VUnetID is required to access VU services, including email. Please note that access to VU systems is dependent on your completion of the I-9 form. You can claim your VUnetID through Vanderbilt University Information Technology (VUIT).

  • Claim Your Vanderbilt ID Card

To obtain your physical ID card, call or email the Card Services Office to make sure they can recognize you in the system before proceeding to their office to have a physical card made. You can also claim a digital Vanderbilt ID card, which can be loaded to your smartphone’s wallet, through Card Services. 

VU Card Services Office
(615) 322-2273
Sarratt Student Center, Room 184
2301 Vanderbilt Place


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You will receive an email from Vanderbilt HR with enrollment information after your home department confirms your appointment with the benefits team. There is no specific timeline for when you will receive this email; please email your home department’s administrator with questions. You can access all benefit information along with vendor presentations at your own pace. Review the Human Resources benefits information and enroll within 30 days of your hire date.

NOTE: If you are an incoming tenured or tenure-track faculty member who is hired in the summer (inclusive of unpaid non-tenure-track appointments that begin in the summer to receive benefits and moving bonus funding), you will have 30 days from your earliest appointment start date to enroll for benefits. Failure to do so will result in you defaulting into the Choice CDHP medical plan at the employee-only coverage if you are fully benefits-eligible for the remainder of the plan year. 

Open enrollment takes place in October of each year. Human Resources offers multiple open and individual sessions for employees to review insurance options. The HR benefits team is always available to answer questions regarding benefits, and can be contacted at

Non-Medical Benefits

The Provost’s Office has collated an extended list of faculty benefits, including information about retirement programs, the Faculty Home Mortgage Purchase Plan, and the Tuition Discounts program. 


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Purchasing a Computer via Vanderbilt University IT (VUIT)

To initiate the process of purchasing a computer, you should work with your home department administrator to submit a SerVU ticket. It will take between one to three months for orders to be processed, systems to be set up, and then delivered/picked up by faculty. If you plan to use faculty research funds for the purchase, you will need to coordinate with your home department administrator/financial unit manager to ensure funds are available for use. 

New faculty members who are tenured or tenure-track will use available research or startup funds for the purchase of an office computer system. Full-time, non-tenure-track, teaching faculty will be provided a standard system.

Visiting/adjunct/adjoint faculty, lecturers, and faculty without multi-year appointments will be provided refurbished equipment. Research faculty should rely on grant or research funds for the purchase of computer systems.

All computers must be purchased through Vanderbilt University Information Technology (VUIT). Accessories such as monitors, docking stations, printers, scanners, and storage devices (physical or virtual) may be purchased via your departmental administrator.

For security purposes, many systems we use, such as Oracle, require muti-factor authentication (MFA). You can enroll in Duo MFA on the VUIT website.

General IT Help

Vanderbilt IT is available to assist with any needs. You can chat with IT or submit a help request ticket online. 

(615) 343-9999


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Calendars & Events
  • University Academic Calendar
    Review the university’s academic calendar, noting semester dates, teaching deadlines, and exam schedules. 
  • College of Arts & Science Faculty Meeting Calendar
    A&S holds monthly faculty meetings throughout the academic year to share important school updates, celebrate accomplishments, etc. Please view the meeting dates for 2024-25 and mark your calendar.
Upcoming Events 

Provost’s Office New Faculty Orientation
Thursday, August 15
All day, beginning at 8:00 a.m.
Alumni Hall
Eligible faculty will receive an invitation via email for this Vanderbilt-sponsored orientation.

Teaching at Vanderbilt New Faculty Orientation
Friday, August 16
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Buttrick Hall
Offered by the Vanderbilt Office of Education Design and Development, this annual orientation is open to all new faculty, both full-time and part-time. A registration link will be sent over the summer.

College of Arts & Science New Faculty Introduction
Tuesday, August 20
2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m., reception immediately following
Session in Buttrick Hall 306. Reception in Buttrick Hall 409.
This is an opportunity to meet other new A&S faculty, briefly share your research and teaching areas of interest, and socialize over food and drink. More information to come.

First Day of Classes
Wednesday, August 21

Fall 2024 Faculty Assembly (Chancellor Diermeier’s semi-annual address to the faculty)
Thursday, August 22
4:10 p.m.
Student Life Center Ballroom
More information to come.

College of Arts & Science September Faculty Meeting
Tuesday, September 10
4:10 p.m – 5:00 p.m., reception immediately following
Wilson Hall 103

A&S Fall Faculty Lounge
Wednesday, October 16, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 14, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Buttrick Hall Patio or Buttrick Hall Atrium (weather depending)
These informal afternoon gatherings allow faculty to socialize over coffee, wine, beer, and desserts. Additional information will be sent via email.


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  • Vanderbilt Faculty Policies and Procedures

The Vanderbilt Faculty Manual is the governing document for all faculty members at the university. You will find helpful information about the standards and procedures for promotion and reappointment; benefits including the Vanderbilt mortgage plan and retirement incentives; conduct; grievances; leaves; and more. 

  • College of Arts and Science Policies and Procedures

The A&S Faculty Resources webpage has links to various college policies and procedures, including procedures for appointments, reappointments, and promotions (refer to the Guidelines and Call for Promotions and Reappointments document) and the travel and business expense policy.


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The university requires that all vehicles operated on campus by members of the university community be registered with the Vanderbilt University Police Department (VUPD). More information on the parking policy and how to register your vehicle for parking on campus is available at Parking Services.

For alternative transportation options including carpool and public transit, please visit MoveVU.


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Public Safety

Vanderbilt Public Safety offers AlertVU as a resource for emergency preparedness information. It is strongly recommended, although not required, to provide a mobile phone (voice or text), landline, or a personal email for campus public safety alerts in addition to your Vanderbilt email address. If you are interested in opting into these alerts on your personal phone or email, review and update your AlertVU information within Oracle Cloud to ensure that you receive these alerts via a point of personal contact.   


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Relocation Resources

If you are relocating to Nashville, there are many resources available to you. One is Fridrich & Clark Relocation Services (which provides information about schools, community links, and utility companies by county). You can also explore


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Vanderbilt provides professional headshots to faculty free of charge. Headshots will be provided to all new faculty at the Provost's New Faculty Orientation on Thursday, August 15. If you aren't able to get one there, you can reach out to the Division of Marketing and Communications to schedule a photo shoot in the photography studio. Once you receive your headshot, please provide it to your department administrator so that it can be added to your faculty bio page.


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