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Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy

Faculty members, before committing funds or finalizing reimbursement, must review the College of Arts and Science Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy below as well as the Vanderbilt University Reimbursement Policy. In cases where college guidelines differ from university policy, it is expected that the more restrictive policy take precedence.


The College of Arts and Science Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy outlines reimbursements that may be funded by other sources, pre-travel authorization requests, and reimbursement expense filing and reporting.

Allowable Reimbursement Expenses

The College of Arts and Science adheres to university policy in regard to allowable reimbursement expenses. It is the responsibility of the individual to determine if expenses are allowed in accordance with applicable funding source, agency, sponsor, or other external group paying for reimbursement. College of Arts and Science faculty are required to use procedures outlined in university policy when making travel arrangements.

Travel Pre-Authorization

Written travel pre-authorizations are not required for official College of Arts and Science business. Faculty are expected to consult with their department chairs or program directors in advance about travel that may conflict with classes or interfere with other university obligations.

Reimbursement Expense Filing and Reporting

University policy requires that reimbursement expense reports be submitted using Concur within 60 days of return from a trip.

Vanderbilt offers two options in terms of travel expense reimbursement: actual expenses or a per diem rate. When filing the expense report the traveler must choose either to file with actual expenses or per diem for each trip. Using both forms of reimbursement for the same trip are not allowed. There are further restrictions on the use of per diem as outlined below:

  • When utilizing sponsored or restricted funds, the individual must submit receipts for actual, incurred expenses.
  • When utilizing non-sponsored or unrestricted funds, the individual can choose either to submit receipts for actual, incurred expenses or use the per diem rate. 

The revised threshold for required receipts is any expense that is greater than or equal to $75. 


(Last revised June 2016)