Russian Program Students Perform at McTyeire
Apr. 5, 2022—At the end of March several Russian language students performed two Russian songs – “Katyusha” and “Na Chasakh Nol’-Nol'” as part of the McTyeire “Mixer”. The instrumental and vocal soloists are Jasmine Ding and Byron Yin. Watch their performance by clicking on below image:
Allison Schachter’s and Jordan Finkin’s Translation of Fradl Shtok’s Yiddish stories about Jewish life in the Ukrainian Provinces is Reviewed in Tablet Magazine
Mar. 14, 2022—In her review of Fradl Shtok’s From the Jewish Provinces, Rokhl Kafrissen describes how “One of the pleasures of Shtok’s prose is how alive it is with the lush symbolism of a landscape shared by Jews and Ukrainians. This external world of botanical imagery is deployed masterfully by Shtok, who makes native plant life a...
Bethanie Stauffer, BA ’22, about studying German
Feb. 21, 2022—Question: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Bethanie: I grew up in Salisbury, a relatively small town in the middle of North Carolina. At Vanderbilt, I study Chemistry and MHS with a minor in German and I’m a member of APO and VSVS. I love dogs, art, and the beautiful game (). This...
Responses to Emily Greble’s Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe
Feb. 4, 2022—In fall 2021, Emily Greble published her ground-breaking Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe (Oxford University Press). Now, the reviews are coming in! Recent reviews: Chatham House (Maryyum Mehmood) (February 4, 2022) Esglobal (Frances Gilles) (January 4, 2022) Irish Times (Christopher Kissane) (January 29, 2022) Related publicity: Greble speaks on Voice of Islam about...
Katie David Interviewed about Putin’s Push to Control Ukraine
Jan. 25, 2022—Katie David, Mellon Assistant Professor of Russian Studies, was recently interviewed on a CBC radio show about current events in Ukraine. “What’s behind Vladimir Putin’s push for control over Ukraine?” Western leaders have been meeting this week to coordinate a strategy to address the presence of about 100,000 Russian troops along the border with Ukraine....
Lee Cameron, BA ’24, McTyeire International House President
Jan. 3, 2022—Lee Cameron, BA ’24, is a major in Statistics and Computer Science. He lives in the German floor of McTyeire International House and serve as McTyeire’s current president. The interview was conducted by Professor Silke Schade, Director of Undergraduate Studies for German Studies at Vanderbilt. What is something interesting about you? I’m from Nebraska and...
Katie David on the Escalating Russian-Ukraine Conflict (Washington Post)
Dec. 8, 2021—Mellon Assistant Professor Katie David published an article in the Washington Post about the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, entitled “History reveals what Putin really wants to do in Ukraine.” Click here to read the whole feature. [December 2021]
Simone Stirner Publishes Essay on Celan’s Hebrew Dwelling
Dec. 1, 2021—“Beth—that is the House: Paul Celan’s Hebrew Dwelling,” in Heidegger in the Literary World: Variations on Poetic Thinking, Florian Grosser and Nassima Sahraoui (Eds.), (Rowman & Littlefield International, 2021), 67-80. “[The article] stages an encounter between Martin and Heidegger and Paul Celan through the latter’s poem Hüttenfenster (Tabernacle Window). Although the poem was written well...
RevDem Interview with Emily Greble about European History via the Experience of Muslims
Nov. 29, 2021—In conversation with RevDem editor Ferenc Laczó, Emily Greble discusses what foregrounding Muslims’ agency implies for the writing of European history; what were key legacies of the Ottoman Empire and how Muslims became a distinct legal minority; in what ways they related to the major political movements of the twentieth century; and how focusing on...
“Pythagoras’s Veil 2.0”: Lutz Koepnick on the Sounds of Teaching Today
Oct. 27, 2021—Pythagoras’s Veil 2.0 “Thousands of college instructors, after doing their job for the last year primarily from home and via video, are back to teach in real classrooms and lecture halls this fall. Instead of seeing their students locked into separate Zoom tiles on screen, they finally face them head-on again, physically present. Little...