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Dean's Faculty Fellowship Nominations

The nomination process is currently open until January 15, 2025. Submit a nomination

The Dean’s Faculty Fellows Program, launched in 2018, invests in untenured faculty across the College of Arts & Science to support their research, scholarship, and creative expression during their probationary period. View the current list of DFFs.

Dean’s Faculty Fellows (DFFs) hold the title for two years and receive $15,000 yearly to support their work. Funds do not carry over from year to year. Funds may be used for research activities, subject to the A&S policy for research funds, and also for one course buyout per year of the fellowship. A course buyout will be charged at the rate of $15,000 for the purposes of this program. If the fellowship coincides with a semester of earned leave, fellows are strongly encouraged to use their two course buyouts in a single year to provide an additional semester of paid leave and create a full year of paid leave. Faculty members may not be nominated during their tenure year, as only assistant professors are eligible to hold a DFF title. If promoted to associate professor during the appointment period, the term will continue but will not be renewable.

Department chairs and/or deans will nominate candidates. Faculty members may not nominate themselves or participate in the nomination. The call for nominations will be issued each fall from the Dean’s Office.

Please direct all questions to Dean Bonnie Dow.