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03/26 Visiting Writers Series: Simon Han & Lee Conell

Posted by on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 in event.

March 26, 7PM  CDT | Click here to register


Han and Connell book covers

Simon Han was born in Tianjin, China, and raised in various cities in Texas. He is author of Nights When Nothing Happened (Riverhead, 2020). His stories and essays have appeared in The Atlantic, The Texas Observer, Guernica, The Iowa Review, Electric Literature, and LitHub. He has received awards from the MacDowell Colony, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the Tulsa Artist Fellowship, and Vanderbilt University, where he earned his MFA. A former visiting professor at the University of Tulsa, he currently lives in Carrollton, Texas.

Lee Conell is the author of the novel The Party Upstairs, as well as the story collection Subcortical, which was awarded The Story Prize Spotlight Award. She has received a 2020 Creative Writing Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as writing fellowships from the Japan-United States Friendship Commission, the Tennessee Arts Commission, the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Vanderbilt University, and the Yiddish Book Center. Her fiction appears in the Oxford American, Kenyon Review online, Glimmer Train, and elsewhere; her stories have won the Nelson Algren Award from the Chicago Tribune, and have been shortlisted in Best American Short Stories and the Pushcart Prize anthology.


→  View the full Spring 2021 schedule and learn more about the Gertrude & Harold S. Vanderbilt Visiting Writers Series.