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Majors and Minors

The Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies offers two majors for undergraduate students: a major in Latino and Latina Studies and a major in Latin American Studies. A major in Latino and Latina Studies explores the Latinx experiences, mainly in the United States, as they intersect with other national and geographic boundaries across academic disciplines. A major in Latin American Studies examines the diversity of histories, languages, and cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean from an interdisciplinary perspective.

CLICK HERE for Spring 2025 Courses eligible for academic credit.

Declaring a Major or Minor in Latino and Latina Studies or Latin American Studies

Complete the declaration from here using the Kuali system. When you submit your form, you will meet with your advisor to plan your course of study. For general questions, please email Director of Undergraduate Studies Gretchen Selcke.

Major in Latino and Latina Studies:

The interdisciplinary major in Latino and Latina Studies consists of thirty-six (36) credit hours. The specific requirements are as follows:

  • LATS 2201, Introduction to Latina and Latino Studies – (3 hours)
  • SPAN 3303, Introduction to Spanish and Spanish American Literature – (3 hours)
  • SPAN 3303 requires up to 19 prerequisite hours of Spanish language instruction through SPAN 3302, depending on departmental placement
  • ENGL 3658, Latino-American Literature – (3 hours)
  • LATS 4961, Latino and Latina Studies Capstone, which is usually taken in the senior year – (3 hours)
  • Eight elective courses (24 hours) with at least two from Group A (Latinx Culture), two from Group B (Historical Context), and two from Group C (Critical Perspectives) if not already applied to satisfy above requirements

Minor in Latino and Latina Studies:

Students pursuing the interdisciplinary minor must complete eighteen (18) credit hours. The specific requirements are as follows:

  • LATS 2201, Introduction to Latina and Latino Studies – (3 hours)
  • SPAN 3303 or ENGL 3658 – (3 hours).  If both courses are taken, only one may be applied as elective credit
  • LATS 4961, Latino and Latina Studies Seminar – (3 hours)
  • Three other courses (9 hours), with at least one from Group A (Latinx Culture), one from Group B (Historical Context), and one from Group C (Critical Perspectives), if not already applied to satisfy above requirements.

Latino and Latina Studies Electives Options:

*Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and there are many additional courses which could meet the electives requirements. Please contact Gretchen Selcke with questions regarding other elective options.

ENGL 3658: Latino-American Literature

HIST 2725: Race, Power, and Modernity

HOD 2510: Health Service Delivery to Diverse Population

SOC 3702: Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States
SOC 3322: Immigration in America

SPAN 3302: Spanish for Oral Communication Through Cultural Topics
SPAN 3303: Introduction to Spanish and Spanish American Literature
SPAN 3345: Spanish for Business and Economics
SPAN 3830: Spanish for the Medical Profession
SPAN 4310: Translation and Interpretation
SPAN 3835: Latino Immigration Experience
SPAN 4750: Afro-Hispanic Literature
SPAN 4755: Latina and Latin American Women Writers


AADS 3178: Colonialism and After

ANTH 2106: Culture and Power in Latin America
ANTH 2220: Human Landscapes
ANTH 3240: Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations
ANTH 3242: The Archaeology of the Ancient Maya Civilization.
ANTH 3202: The Collapse of Civilizations.
ANTH 3160: Anthropologies and Archaeologies of Community
ANTH 3161: Colonial Encounters in the Americas
ANTH 3241: The Aztecs
ANTH 3243: Classic Maya Religion and Politics

ENGL 3674: Caribbean Literature

HIST 1380: Modern Latin America
HIST 2450: Reform, Crisis, and Independence in Latin America, 1700-1820
HIST 2480: Central America
HIST 2570: Caribbean History, 1492-1983
HIST 2580: American Indian History before 1850
HIST 2590: American Indian History since 1850
HIST 286B: US and Caribbean Encounters

LAS 2101: Introduction to Latin America

MUSL 2110: Music in Latin America and Caribbean

SPAN 4450: The Contemporary Novel
SPAN 4740: Spanish-American Literature of the Boom Era
SPAN 4760: Literature and Medicine
SPAN 4465: The Theory and Practice of Drama
SPAN 3892: Special Topics in Hispanic Literature

AADS 1010: Introduction to African American and Diaspora Studies

PHIL 3617: Philosophy of Language

PSCI 3217: Latin American Politics
PSCI 2219: Politics of Mexico
PSCI 3228: International Politics of Latin America
PSCI 3264W: Global Feminisms 

SOC 3314: Environmental Inequality and Justice
SOC 3612: Class, Status, and Power
SOC 3701: Racial Domination, Racial Progress
SOC 3232: Contemporary Mexican Society

WGS 1150(W): Sex and Gender in Everyday Life
WGS 3201: Women and Gender in Transnational Context

Major in Latin American Studies:

The major in Latin American studies consists of thirty-six (36) credit hours. The specific requirements are as follows:

  • LAS 2101, Introduction to Latin America – (3 hours).
  • LAS 4901, Research Seminar – (3 hours).
  • Area of concentration in History; Language, Literature, and Art History; or Social Sciences – (12 hours).
  • Complete 6 hours of coursework in two categories: History; Language, Literature, and Art History; or Social Sciences – (12 hours).
  • Electives of any additional course with Latin American content – (6 hours).

*Classes eligible for LAS credit are listed in the Undergraduate Course Catalog.

Undergraduate students majoring in LAS must also demonstrate advanced language competence in Spanish or Portuguese. This requirement may be satisfied by completing Spanish 3303, Portuguese 3303 or any course with a higher number taught in either language. Students are expected to acquire intermediate knowledge of another Latin American language may be satisfied by successfully completing Spanish 2203, Portuguese 2203, Haitian Creole 2202, or K’iche’ Maya 2202. Language courses can count toward the distribution requirements of the major.

In addition, students must demonstrate their level of language proficiency at the beginning of the second semester of their senior year by way of an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) conducted by a faculty member in that language. This is part of an evaluation of the Center (and not of the individual student) and the results will not affect the fulfillment of student requirements for graduation. Students will be evaluated for proficiency in both their primary and secondary languages.

Minor in Latin American Studies

Students pursuing the interdisciplinary minor must complete fifteen (15) credit hours. The specific requirements are as follows:

  • LAS 2101, Introduction to Latin America – (3 hours).
  • In addition, students must demonstrate intermediate knowledge of one Latin American language by successfully completing Spanish 2203, Portuguese 2203, Haitian Creole 2202, or K’iche’ Maya 2202.
  • Courses taken to satisfy the language requirement may not be counted toward the 15 hours of coursework. A language evaluation can be used to demonstrate proficiency.

Minor in Brazilian Studies

Students pursuing the interdisciplinary minor must complete fifteen (15) credit hours. The specific requirements are as follows:

  • LAS 2102, Introduction to Brazil – (3 hours).
  • Portuguese 2203, Intermediate Portuguese – (3 hours).
  • Distribution Requirements (9 hours-one course in each area): Area I: Portuguese Language and Literature; Area II: Brazilian Society, History, and Cultures; Area III: Brazil in Regional and Global Context.

Proficiency at the intermediate level in Portuguese can also be demonstrated through testing. If this option is exercised, students must take 3 credit hours of course work approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in lieu of the 3 credit hours of PORT 2203. Other elective courses, including special topics courses, may be counted toward the minor with the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Honors Program

An honors program is available but acceptance must be approved by the director of undergraduate studies. Students must have a minimum 3.0 general GPA and a 3.3 GPA in courses that count toward the Latino and Latina Studies or Latin American Studies major to be accepted into the program. The Honors Program requires: completion of 6 hours; the writing of an honors thesis; and passing an oral honors examination. Interested students should consult their academic adviser during their junior year.

*For more detailed information please consult the Undergraduate Course Catalog.*