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The Mexican Studies Group is co-sponsored by the Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities and CLACX. This group brings together faculty and graduate students from history, political science, literature, sociology, art, anthropology, music, pedagogy, Latin American Studies, and Latinx Studies.  Mexican Studies Group aims at raising the profile of research related to Mexico on our campus. Apart from meetings to discuss in-progress work authored by members and invited scholars from beyond Vanderbilt, the group organizes interdisciplinary seminars and colloquia on matters related to Mexico and the border with the United States. The Mexican Studies Group is organized by History Professor Edward Wright-Ríos. For more information contact: contact edward.wright-rios@Vanderbilt.Edu


Border Insecurity in Central America’s Northern Triangle
A report published by the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Latin American Program and Mexico Institute, in collaboration with the Migration Policy Institute which outlines the long-standing pattern of government inattention to the border regions—probing the root causes that range from institutional, economic, and resource challenges to corruption and weak government structures.