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Student Publications

“Undoing Violence in the Manosphere: Incels’ Disengagement from Extremism in Digital Free Space”“In Pursuit of Cultural Equity: DEI Grantmaking Practices of U.S. Local Arts Agencies in Community Context.""Facilitating Healing for Black Women Experiencing Gendered Racism and Traumatic Stress: The Moderation of Psychosocial Resources"
Mobilization Davis, Alyssa & Heather Kettrey (2024)American Behavioral Scientist

Dan Cornfield, Chancey Herbolsheimer & Savannah Bastian (2023)
Journal of Women’s Health and Development 6(4):75-88
Tiffany R. Williams, Christy L. Erving, Whitney Frierson , Fanchen Gao, Jeffery Bass, Reniece Martin, Dana Jennings, & Taeja Mitchell (2023)

“Accelerating Racial Activism in STEM Higher Education by Institutionalizing Equity Ethics” "School Accountability, Teacher Empowerment and Student Achievement""Anticipatory Stress, State Policy Contexts, and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Teachers College Record 125(9):108-139

McGee, Ebony O., Terrell R. Morton, Devin T. White, and Whitney R. Frierson. (2023)
Chapter in the Handbook on Teachers' Work: International Perspectives on Research and Practice. Edited by N. Bascia and R. Maton. New York: Routledge Press.
Ingersoll, R. & Ingersoll, H. (Forthcoming)
SSM - Population Health 23:101415.

Farina, Mateo P., Zhe Zhang, and Rachel Donnelly (2023)

"Accessed Status and Mental Well-Being: Social Capital Versus Social Cost”“Social Support” Pp. 322-35
The Sociological Study of Mental Health: Theories, Contexts, and Systems (4th edition) by Teresa L. Scheid and Eric Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Song, Lijun, and Zhe Zhang. Forthcoming
The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis, edited by John McLevey, Peter J. Carrington, and John Scott. London: SAGE

Song, Lijun, and Zhe Zhang (2023)