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Faculty Publications

“The Art of Getting By: Ad Hoc Adaptations to Climate Change in Coastal Communities.”“Physical and Mental Health Disparities at the Intersection of Sexual and Gender Minority Statuses: Evidence from Population-Level Data”“Parental Smoking in Childhood as a Smoking Risk Factor throughout Middle Age”
Qualitative Sociology,
Brianna Castro (2024)
Lawrence Stacey and Wes Wislar (2023)
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 65.2 (2023): 261-269
Lucie Kalousova

"Job Insecurity as a Predictor of Gray Divorce: A Gendered Dyadic Analysis.""Campus Connections for Creative Careers: Social Capital, Gender Inequality, and Artistic Work.""Preregistration and Registered Reports in Sociology: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Other Considerations."
Social Forces,
Rachel Donnelly (2024)
Alex Frenette with N. Martin, and G. Gualtieri. (2023)
The American Sociologist, 65.2 (2023): 261-269
Bianca Manago (2024)

“Circumcision Stories: Enhancing our Understanding of Parental Perspectives in a Context of Controversy. Commentary in Narrative Symposium on Infant Male Circumcision.” “How Effective Is Opposition to Pipelines in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries? Coalitions and Countervailing Power in Latin America and Africa.”“Movements for Black Lives at Work? Racial Justice Spillover, Labor Organization, and New Labor Militancy.”
Narratives in Bioethics,
Laura Carpenter (2024)
Energy Research & Social Science,

David Hess
The Sociological Quarterly.,
Larry Isaac and Brittney Rose (2024)

“The Narrow Confines of Institutional Activism: The U.S. Supreme Court, Abortion, and Amicus Curiae Briefs.”“Class Matters: Teaching about Class in Higher Education.” “In Pursuit of Cultural Equity: DEI Grantmaking Practices of U.S. Local Arts Agencies in Community Context.”
Mobilization, Amanda Konet,
Holly McCammonand Sarah Torrence (2024)
Currents in Teaching and Learning,
Joe Bandy
and Myra Brielle Harbin (2023)
American Behavioral Scientist,
Daniel Cornfield Chancey Herbolsheimer, and Savannah Bastian (2024)