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Arts and Science Cores

Arts and Science Research Centers | Arts and Science Cores Interdisciplinary Centers

Research at Vanderbilt University is supported by designated institutional cores and shared resources. These facilities offer cutting-edge scientific services, enabling access to high-end equipment, advanced techniques, and specialized expertise for all Vanderbilt investigators.

Center for Innovative Technology

The Center for Innovative Technology offers collaborators an extensive lineup of state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instrumentation to enable numerous types of metabolomic analyses. We support investigators in numerous phases of the analytical pipeline and provide a number of services to meet the goals of individual research projects.

Chemical Storeroom

The Chemical Storeroom is a recharge center that provides chemicals, glassware, and various apparatus items. We provide services to Vanderbilt University, VUMC, and the VA Hospital.

Chemistry X-Ray Diffraction

The Chemistry X-Ray Diffraction facility is a core facility containing the Rigaku Smart Lab with Cu Ka X-ray source for Powder X-ray diffraction. Additional features and capabilities can be found on their website. 

Physics Machine Shop

The Physics Machine Shop is a well-equipped, precision machine shop specializing in the manufacture of experimental research parts and devices.