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Who We Are


about A&S



In the College of Arts and Science, we pursue both personal discovery and world-scale impact to address the most enduring challenges of our time. Through interdisciplinary research, innovative teaching, and service to society at large, we explore deeply, encourage curiosity, forge connections, and cross boundaries. We are informed by the art and inspired by the science of how the world works and what makes us human.

When art + science come together, anything is possible.

three students smiling stand next to eachother outside



quick facts

100 +

Majors & Minors


Undergraduate Students


Full-time Faculty

$50 + million

in External Research Grants


Graduate Programs


Graduate Students

7 : 1

Student to Faculty Ratio




Alumni Nobel Prize Winners



professor in classroom mid-speech

Our Faculty


A&S faculty are world-renowned leaders in research, teaching, discovery, and creative expression. They are equally passionate about mentoring students as they are about conducting groundbreaking work that changes the way we understand our world.

Our 636 full-time faculty include:

  • 16 American Academy of Arts & Sciences members, 4 National Academy of Sciences members, 2 National Academy of Medicine members, and 1 American Philosophical Society member
  • 2 Pulitzer Prize winners and 1 Dan David Prize winner
  • 16 Guggenheim fellows, 5 Carnegie fellows, and 3 MacArthur fellows 

Meet Our Faculty



Our Students


The A&S experience is exactly what college should be: an intellectual environment where students can explore everything they’re curious about, interested in, and fascinated by—at the heart of a world-class residential university. Our student body is passionate, talented, diverse, and bold. They explore, engage, create, and learn from their instructors and from each other in a dynamic learning community. And when they graduate, they have the knowledge and skills to be successful professionals and to pursue a life of curiosity and purpose.

Meet Our Students

Meet Our Alumni

student smiling in classroom with other students at table

innovative education

With 35 departments and more than 100 majors and minors, A&S offers chances to develop deep knowledge within a given discipline as well as breadth of exposure to different fields.

  • The college will be offering a new, flexible core curriculum in fall 2025, providing all students with a common, meaningful, and engaging educational experience.
  • Offering more than 600 courses each semester, A&S students can take countless fascinating courses that address some of the most challenging and relevant issues of our time.
  • Through Vanderbilt’s innovative Immersion program, students gain unparalleled, hands-on experiential learning both in and beyond the classroom.