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International Conference on Cycles in Graphs, May 30 – June 2

May 8, 2012 – The International Conference on Cycles in Graphs was held at Vanderbilt May 30 to June 2, 2012, in conjunction with the 27th Annual Shanks Lectures. The purpose of the conference was to bring together workers from around the world to focus on recent developments in cycles in graphs. This includes many different aspects of this...

Tenth Annual NCGOA Spring Institute, May 4-10

May 7, 2012 – The Department of Mathematics hosted the Tenth Annual Spring Institute on Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras May 4-10, 2012. The theme of the 2012 event was Conformal Field Theory and von Neumann Algebras. The Spring Institute is a combination of spring school and international research conference. During the school portion of the meeting, mini-courses were...

New Scholarship Announced for Undergraduate Math Majors

January 31, 2012 – A new scholarship for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics has been endowed by former math major Elizabeth Brueggeman and her husband Mark. The $250,000 gift agreement to fund the Mark and Elizabeth Barrow Brueggeman Scholarship was made in honor of Elizabeth?s upcoming reunion in October 2012. She received her BA in Mathematics in 1981 but...

Department Is Profiled in Vanderbilt’s Arts and Science Magazine

December 14, 2011 – The Department of Mathematics’ rise to prominence in recent years is the focus of an article in the Fall edition of Vanderbilt’s Arts and Science magazine. For the full article, click here.

Fields Medalist Vaughan Jones Joins the Department

October 25, 2011 – Vaughan Jones has accepted a faculty position as Distinguished Professor with the Department of Mathematics beginning in the fall of 2011. A preeminent mathematician who comes to Vanderbilt from the University of California, Berkeley, Jones will be a tremendous addition to the department’s already strong research group in operator algebras. Jones’ contributions to mathematics have...

John Rafter Receives Gilliam Teaching Award

October 25, 2011 – John Rafter, senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, is the recipient of the 2011 Harriet S. Gilliam Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Lecturers and Senior Lecturers. Rafter received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Vanderbilt in 1994. He entered the business world with Aspect Communications, also serving as an adjunct instructor at Vanderbilt...

Workshop Explores CFT and von Neumann Algebras

October 24, 2011 – The Department of Mathematics hosted a two-day Shanks Workshop on “Conformal Field Theory and Von Neumann Algebras” October 29-30, 2011. The workshop explored the deep connections between CFT and the theory of subfactors and planar algebras. A subfactor is a group-like object that can be used to investigate the symmetries of quantum physical or statistical...

Top Ranking for Our Graduate Program in New NRC Report

October 11, 2011 – The Ph.D. program of the Vanderbilt mathematics department received high ratings in a new report from the National Research Council (NRC) that offers insights into the quality of doctoral programs in mathematics at research universities in the United States. Released in September 2010, the new report no longer provides a definite ranking of programs, but...

New Academic Year Features Busy Conference Lineup

August 22, 2011 – Several exciting conferences and workshops are scheduled for the 2011-2012 academic year, demonstrating the department’s support for faculty-organized conferences that bring mathematicians from all over the world to Vanderbilt each year. The events kick off with a Shanks Workshop organized by the department’s newest faculty member, Fields Medalist, Vaughan Jones, and Department Chair Dietmar Bisch....

Constructive Approximation Ranks 10th Out of 277 Mathematics Journals

August 1, 2011 – Constructive Approximation, an internationally recognized mathematics journal headquartered in the Vanderbilt Department of Mathematics, was ranked No. 10 out of 277 mathematics journals by Journal Citation Reports. Journal Citation Reports ranks mathematics and other scientific journals based on their impact factor: the frequency with which their articles are cited in other scientific journals and books...