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Welcome to the Department of Mathematics!

Our Department is at an exciting time in our history. We expect to grow dramatically over the next decade. This year, we are hiring 2 Assistant Professors, 7 Postdocs, and a newly endowed Professor of the Practice. Apply here!

Our goals as a department are:

1. To provide world class education to our undergraduate and graduate students, and to do this in a way that is welcoming and equitable.

2. To perform mathematical research at the highest level, on the fundamental problems in the world.

3. To be ambassadors for mathematics within Vanderbilt, in the Nashville community, and beyond.

Among our 24 research faculty, our research covers a wide swath of mathematics, including homotopy theory, operator algebras, geometric group theory, epidemiology, differential geometry, approximation theory, signal processing, differential equations, numerical analysis, mathematical physics, graph theory, and number theory.

Our faculty has 3 International Congress of Mathematicians speakers, 9 Fellows of the AMS, 2 Fellows of SIAM, 5 Sloan Fellows, 2 NSF CAREER awardees, a Conant Prize winner, a Steele Prize winner, a Simons Fellow, a Humboldt Prize winner, 3 AMS plenary speakers, and a Mirzakhani lecturer.

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Department News

Anna Marie Bohmann named Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow

Jun. 12, 2024—We are delighted to share the news that Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Anna Marie Bohmann, was named as a 2024 Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow.  This is a highly prestigious award that comes with a $40K research fund.  This year only 13 faculty were chosen from across the university.  You can read the official...

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Shuxian Song Wins First Departmental Ping Pong Tournament

Apr. 28, 2024—The first annual departmental ping pong tournament, which took place over nine grueling months of pinging, ponging, and heroic scheduling achievements, came to a thrilling close on April 25, in front of a packed common room, as Shuxian Song, first-year graduate student, was awarded the championship belt by PP Commish Nate Tenpas, with a 3...

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2024 CUBE program announced

Mar. 29, 2024—The 2024 CUBE Program is an in-person summer research experience for undergraduates. This year’s program will be held on the beautiful campus of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Participants will conduct research in groups of 2-3 under the supervision of research faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students. The topics will be in the field of...

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Denis Osin awarded Simons Fellowship

Mar. 27, 2024—Prof. Denis Osin has received a prestigious Simons Fellowship.  According to the Simons Foundation web site: “The Simons Fellows program extends academic leaves from one term to a full year, enabling recipients to focus solely on research for the long periods often necessary for significant advances. The foundation is proud to support the work of...

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