Recent Advances in Kohler Geometry Conference, May 18-22
The Department of Mathematics will host an international conference on Recent Advances in Kohler Geometry, May 18-22, 2015. The conference is held in conjunction with the 30th Annual Shanks Lecture. This year’s featured Shanks Lecturer is Fields Medalist Professor Shing-Tung Yau of Harvard University.
Kohler geometry is an area of mathematics that has seen a number of recent advances in diverse directions. The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading experts in the separate but related fields of differential geometry, geometric analysis, and algebraic geometry to present recent results and explore future directions of research in the field.
Among the many topics to be covered are Kohler-Einstein manifolds, Calabi-Yau manifolds with prescribed asymptotic behavior, extremal Kohler metrics, moduli space of Kohler metrics, and Hermitian manifolds.
The prestigious Shanks Lecture Series is organized annually by the Department of Mathematics of Vanderbilt University, honoring Baylis and Olivia Shanks. The late Professor Baylis Shanks was chairman of the Department from 1955 through 1969. A list of previous Shanks Conferences and Lecturers can be found here.
More information on the Recent Advances in Kohler Geometry Conference is available on the conference web site.