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Faculty Affairs

Team | Resources | Promotions and Reappointments | Appointments | Faculty Manual | Interns | Forms

Faculty Affairs Team:

Melissa Wocher, Director of Faculty Affairs
(615) 343-3143 

Zoe Canales, Faculty Affairs Manager
(615) 343-0459 

Hannah Quinn, Administrative Specialist
(615) 343-2719

Whom to Contact
Tenure and tenure-stream faculty actions

Continuing-track faculty actions

Research faculty appointments/reappointments 

Secondary faculty appointments

Faculty leaves

Retirement requests

Postdoctoral scholars

Temporary positions (visiting scholars/interns/observers)

Faculty Affairs Resources

The Faculty Affairs team has a library of guides and helpful documents in Box to aid administrators through processes. Throughout the academic year, new materials or revised documents will be uploaded into this Box folder for administrator use. If you are a new administrator who is responsible for faculty affairs work and would like access to this folder, or if you have recommendations for new materials to be added to the folder, please email Zoe Canales.

Promotions and Reappointments

Please refer to the Guidelines and Call for Promotions and Reappointments as a guide for all faculty actions over the course of the academic year. This document is edited annually. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with requirements and protocol for the actions that you oversee. If you have any questions, email Melissa Wocher

Appointments, Renewals, Promotions and Tenure

The A&S Rules and Procedures for Appointments, Renewals, Promotions, & Tenure is voted on by the A&S faculty and is the official document governing all faculty actions. The rules and laws are applicable to all faculty. These differ from the annual Guidelines and Call document, as the Guidelines provide day-to-day laws and principles of how to go about faculty actions.   

Faculty Manual

The Faculty Manual is a guide to university policies and procedures for all Vanderbilt University faculty. This is a useful resource for administrators when assisting faculty members in their unit.

Interns and Observers

The Office of the Provost has a dedicated page of resources and policies for appointments related to Interns and Observers.

REDCap Forms

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