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Sponsored Research Incentive Program


The College of Arts and Science Sponsored Research Incentive Program (SRIP) aims to maximize support for faculty research. The policy establishes the criteria by which an equivalent return will be calculated and credited to each Principal Investigator and his/her department based upon a ratio of total direct expenditures to total project expenditures funded by the external sponsor.

  • Full-time tenured, tenure-track, or continuing-track research faculty whose primary appointment is in the College of Arts and Science.
  • Must qualify as “Principal Investigator” or “Co-Investigator” of an Arts and Science externally sponsored contract or grant.
  • Only research awards (grants, contracts, and sub-awards) assigned to the college will be included in the calculation.
  • Training grants as well as other sponsored (non-research) projects are excluded from the calculation.

Over the course of each fiscal year, the A&S SRIP program is based on an equivalent return of twelve percent (12%) of indirect cost (IDC) revenue received from externally sponsored award activity. IDC revenue is defined as indirect cost booked (charged) to each externally sponsored project number in Oracle during the most recent Vanderbilt fiscal year (July-June).

When the annual calculation above yields an amount of $1,000 or more, eight percent (8%) will be credited to the Principal Investigator’s research funds, while four percent (4%) will be credited to the Principal Investigator’s department to be used at the discretion of the chair.

  1. SRIP funds allocated to the PI and his/her department shall be designated as internally designated funds, for which the unspent balance at the end of the fiscal year may carry forward to the following fiscal year.
  2. Expenditures of SRIP funds allocated to the PI are subject to the current A&S Research Funding Guidelines.
  3. The College of Arts and Science reserves the right to suspend the Sponsored Research Incentive Program in the event that external sponsors, such as the federal government, alter their funding parameters to affect total direct expenditures and/or total expenditures in a manner deemed significant by the college or university.